Sunday, March 10, 2019

2 AM

He went on for a couple of hours, went in the kitchen, drank more, passed out for a couple of hours.  Got lost (straight line then a right turn) going back to his room, ended up halfway under the kitchen table.  Kicked over the water bowl, leaving a mess.  Not to mention Biscuit needs lots of water available. 

I didn't know any of this, he screamed and cursed at me for a while, then said "please, I want to go back to my room".  I can respect that (he also had to use his urinal, and it would have been that or an additional mess on the floor), so I pushed him to his bed.  When I started pushing him he began screaming at me again, I asked him where he thought we were going. 

"I don't know". 

And it is 2 AM.  Hopefully I can get a couple hours of sleep. 

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