Friday, March 1, 2019

He's my boy

My headache got worse but I still managed to dose Biscuit, make a new litter box, make a Walmart delivery order, give all the cats plenty of attention, run the dryer, etc. 

I called my aunt, then, in desperation, took some Excedrin and laid down.  I didn't sleep, this headache is a good 6-7 on a 1-10.  Ron woke up while I was lying down, got confused, and called my cell phone.  He thought I was out running errands.  I roared at him and he apologized. 

Then I cursed myself for yelling because it made my head worse. 

Torbie gave me cuddles.  I got up around 3.  Ron wanted a couple of things.  He finally admitted his old fanny pack is shot.  We have a backup in the closet.  But he was hungry! 

I helped him figure out what he wanted (lentils and ham) and I started heating them up.  I got the new fanny pack and he had a look.  I kept taking breaks to stir the lentils and put them back on cook.  I went outside and sprayed, at Ron's request, the fanny pack with a sealant so he can't stain it.  Anything that falls on it now can be easily wiped off.  Oh, it reeked, and didn't help my headache, but it will keep him looking fresh. 

He looked really bad at times, with food stains on his fanny pack, until I could clean it up.  Not anymore. 

We live in a decent neighborhood so I let it dry outside on the porch for a while before bringing it in and giving it to Ron.  Then I need to wish list another one of those things so we always have a backup.  It's a really good brand.  Ron is notorious for destroying fanny packs. 

Biscuit has been behaving normally, and is back to jumping on the beds again.  Good.  I think his bladder medicine acts as a relaxant and gets him loose. 

Now I am waiting on Walmart delivery, and my produce box.  Last -

Well, the box came.  I put it away (not much).  Big, huge, dates.  Definitely "imperfect" looking blood oranges, but I don't care.  They are so good I don't care how they look.  Some apples. 

I like apples.  When I was a teenager that was one thing I was allowed to eat whenever and we had a apple corer that made nice slices.  You just positioned it over the apple and pushed down, voila, apple wedges and a small core to be thrown away. 

I have a wedger but I also remembered using a knife.  So I tried using a knife to cut it up, almost took my finger off and ended up eaitn

And, there's Walmart. 

So I ate the apple and talked to the vet's office.  I told them Biscuit was acting a little drunk this morning but seemed OK now.  They said to call if it continued. 

I am not worried about him, he was rubbing against my legs, normally, and begging a few minutes ago. 

So Walmart came and I brought it all inside, put it away.  It was a new blood sugar meter, some alcohol wipes, 3 tv dinners, sloppy joe sauce, etc. 

The apple seems to have helped my headache.  Glad to see it improving.  I have to feed, and dose, Biscuit in another couple minutes.  Oh, and his urinalysis came back no infection. 

That's good.  I think it helps I noticed the problem when it was just getting started and whisked him off for help before he was in severe distress. 

He's my boy, I would hate to lose him. 

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