Saturday, March 9, 2019

Rude and unreasonable

I saw that on Facebook, a Chinese takeout receipt "Rude and Unreasonable chicken" (jerk chicken).  It applied to my day so I stole it. 

I was up most of the night with a hideous migraine.  Biscuit and Torbie slept with me.  They were very sweet and cuddly. 

I got up, still feeling like crap, but we've got to go to work!  To quote a women's bodybuilding page I read years ago, time to butch up.  I took a shower, got dressed, drank a Diet Mountain Dew and had a glass of instant iced tea.  The iced tea seemed to do the trick, and took the worst of the pain. 

Then off to the warehouse.  Ron was in a sour, self-pitying, mood so I just left him alone.  But they had the greeter he likes, so, after I left, he endeavored to be charming.  I did all the shopping, loaded all that heavy stuff on the cart, thanking God my head was better.  I was very tired but at least I wasn't in acute pain. 

I had checked my blood sugar this morning and it was 130.  I figured [censor] it, I am done with the fast thing, it was supposed to HELP, not make things worse!  I ate a muffin (and gave most of the rest away). 

Ron alternated between being charming when the greeter was around, and sour when it was just me.  Gee, thanks. 

Jack came and we got loaded, headed off.  We got to work, unloaded, I helped Ron stock and put everything away.  As far as I was concerned, with a migraine it was going to be a minimum day.  I got it all done. 

There was some excitement, apparently the ice machine backed up and flooded all over the floor in one corner, near our food machine.  But the manufacturer is smart and put the food machine on "legs" so nothing died.  Just a big mess for someone to clean up. 

We left.  We got stuck outside (weather was pleasant) waiting for an hour, on our ride home.  The driver could have used a little more common sense.   But she got us home OK. 

I saw the #6 little kids out in front so I warned her they like to run in the street.  She parked VERY carefully.  Sometimes I think the parents WANT their kids to get hit so they can sue someone.  Why would you laugh when your kid runs into traffic?  Baffling. 

We got Ron unloaded and into the house.  He went straight for the vodka.  I was tired, but I fed the cats before I laid down.  I put the food down, they eat, when they walk away I put the food up.  I do this on demand every couple hours as long as I am awake, and when I come back. 

Biscuit was very good about not begging during the migraine, but the minute I was upright and walking he turned on the charm!  And of course I fed him. 

I took a nap.  I woke up with another headache, maybe it is my pillow.  I decided to go straight to the instant iced tea since it worked this morning.  And I found Ron sitting on the floor. 

He was very drunk, and "looking for the edge of his bed".  He couldn't process the fact that he was no longer on his bed, but, in fact, on the floor.  I tried to help him but he got belligerent and threw an (empty) urinal in my direction.  I walked away.  Later on he asked for help and I gave it to him, he repaid me by becoming incredibly hostile and accusing me of "being a bad communicator".  "You're in the hall" is pretty easy to understand, in my book?  Anyway, he got very ugly and I walked away, leaving him on the floor.  He got into bed somehow. 

Biscuit was hungry again.  I fed him, and Torbie (didn't see Baby Girl) while I mused on how many women in caregiver roles must feel "stuck" by those they are caring for.  What I mean, I can't leave the cats for a day without putting Biscuit in boarding.  He can only eat his special food and Ron would not make that happen.  Sadly, I could see him getting drunk and feeding the wrong food, out of spite or confusion. 

Anyway, Ron continued being "rude and unreasonable" for a while, I can still hear him muttering in his room but he isn't shouting for me/at me any more. 

Back to the care thing, how many women caring for a sick pet/family member feel like they can't leave because the one in care will suffer?  I know I do.  I don't worry about Ron, he has enough charm he could get someone to help him. 

And he looks so pitiful.... 

But the cats.   I can't leave them.  When/If I go they will have to come with me.  All of them.  That is a factor. 

I have told Ron no more cats even if one dies "Because it wouldn't be fair to the others" but I have other motives at work. 

It is just SAD I have to think about this, that Ron drunk-dials Chuck at 2 AM, repeatedly, and it's just another day at the office.  He wasn't even SORRY he did it.  If Ron has your number, you had better turn off your phone at night. 

All I do is help Ron have a pretty nice standard of living.  I don't expect him to shower me with thanks, but a little gratitude goes a long way.  What I don't expect is to be despised and reviled when I am doing everything to help you AND take care of your cat.  God knows I don't get anything out of her - she's completely bonded to Ron.  I take care of him, I take care of 3 cats, I take care of myself because no one else is doing it! 

I am just sad and angry tonight.  Trying not to be bitter.  No one likes bitter. 

"Rude and unreasonable". 


Spankadoo said...

I wish I could just say to you “take the cats and go”
But until you are completely convinced it is the best thing for both you the cats and Ron.....

Take care of yourself first daily since you do not get to go anywhere now spoil yourself more at home I guess.

Much love and so very glad Biscuit is doing so well

Too bad all the cats could not have the same Rx but I imagine that would be a fortune!

Heather Knits said...

Biscuit's food is $40 for 7 pounds. Yeah, it would get expensive. This way, though, I can really monitor how much he gets and ensure that he loses some weight, which he has GOT to do anyway. Obesity is just as bad for a cat as it is for a human.

Everyone is pretty good about sticking to their own food.

Anonymous said...

Haven’t read in 6 months because of how sad it’s gotten. Looks like nothing changed. When do you finally leave? You know having a normal sleep schedule will do wonders for your bi polar.

You made a bad choice once. It’s not the rest of your life unless YOU CHOOSE IT.

Sad to say things are getting worse and worse.