Friday, March 15, 2019

I slept pretty well last night, I got to sleep in so it was hard getting up.  But I had Biscuit walking around on my very full bladder, meowing for breakfast.

I fed them (stand over the food bowl and police who is eating what) and weighed myself.  I am still down the 5 pounds I lost last month.

I took a shower, helped Ron, etc.  We left the house and went to work later than normal.  We wanted to catch the third shift, I think (and Ron agrees) it is important to be present for all 3 shifts.  We did the usual, I helped Ron stock.

It is a lot more work than it'd be if I just did it all myself, but it is important for Ron to do what he can.  And I don't generally mind helping him if he is appreciative.  I don't expect butt kissing but please and thank you are always nice.

His faculties can be a little limited by pain pill/motion sickness pill, etc. so I may need to do more some days, than others. . But, like I told Ron, I always wanted to go into a helping profession.  I had hoped to get into occupational therapy.

That was killed years ago when an OT at a hospital examined Ron's anus after he had a bowel movement and cleaned himself.  She wanted to see if he had done a thorough job.  Not really interested after that!

But I have always helped in whatever capacity he needed.  So we did that.  Then he went off and did things in the stockroom while I did snacks.

Then we left.

We had a pretty good ride home.  We had to drop another passenger at the gym, which I thought was awesome.  There are a few clients who use that gym, which is fairly close to my house.  I seriously considered joining a few years ago, but a couple of things stopped me.

  • Parking lot/gym always full at all hours.
  • PITA public transit route, or $20 each way in a cab.  
  • Bad reviews online, very difficult to cancel.
  • I have equipment in my garage
Admittedly I only have 1.5 cardio things (an "aerobic stepper", and a recumbent exercise bike Ron bought about 15 years ago swearing he would use it daily), vs a gym full.  I am particularly partial to stairclimbers (my absolute favorite) and treadmills.  I don't really care for ellipticals, and will use a bike if there is nothing else.

But, I have a lot of weights.  I have standard plates, and olympic.  Both types of bars.  Dumbells.  A good assortment.  A nice bench, leg extension thing, squat cage (Ron bought me all this as a wedding present).  It is all in the back of the garage.  I have a lot of crap blocking it, but am working on some every night.

The other day I tossed about 40 gallon trash can worth of stuff.  Tonight, I consolidated 2 boxes into one, and threw out a fair amount of crap.  I plan to work on it every night.  If I went in there and tossed it all, I would need a dumpster.  I only have the one, 95 gallon, can.  And I still have to fit my household trash in that.

So the goal for me is to clear out space so I can work out, at least with weights, again.  It can only help my overall health.

I do need to figure out some sort of cardio I will enjoy.  Whatever I do out there has to fit with a large garbage can, some accounting records, the weight equipment, the ramp, and room for Ron and I to enter and exit.

It's a puzzle, but I will figure something out.

Anyway, we dropped her and came home.  People were driving like maniacs today, I was glad I was with professionals.  My favorite was probably the semi truck weaving all over the freeway, then lunged for the exit at the last second, almost crushing us.

And Ron thinks I can drive.

We got home safe and went in.  I fed the cats.  A couple of times, they like to nibble.  Biscuit in particular will beg, I feed him, he eats a tablespoon, walks away.  I put it up.  A couple hours later he begs again.  But he peed, AND he drank a lot of water when I topped off one of his bowls.  And someone is drinking out of the fountain in my bedroom.

The girl cats ate too, I felt horrible, my attention wandered when they were eating and Biscuit got a few nibbles off their food.  But he did pee about an hour after that so he didn't get enough to hurt him.  I felt awful, like a mother whose baby rolls off the bed when they put them down for a second.

Ron and I talked a little, he didn't drink too much.  We talked about our rides for tomorrow.

We need to go to the bank.  So we are doing that.  Now, in a perfect world, or back in the old days a few years ago, I would go my way (to Walmart) and Ron would go home on his own.  But he can't go home on his own.

So, I thought about it.  I don't want to resent him for making my trip harder, but he needs assistance, and I need to go to Walmart.  So I figure we can call Arturo.  He can bring us home.  I will take Ron in the house and get my reusable bags, then go out to Arturo who can then take me to Walmart.  Everyone wins.

Ron didn't ask to be crippled.  The truck ran a red light when it hit him.

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