Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Didn't sleep but it's not his fault

We had a cold front come through last night = thunderstorms and power outages.  Several power outages.  I have an electric water fountain, and a noisemaker, in my room.  I run the noisemaker at night and the fountain runs constantly (and at least one cat uses it because I have to keep refilling).  Anyway, I am used to the water sound, and the white noise from the noisemaker.  They kept turning off and then turning back on again, again and again. 

Needless to say, I didn't sleep well.  Ron said his talking book machine kept yelling BATTERY POWER into his headphones every time the power failed, then it would yell something else when the power came back.  So neither of us slept well. 

I dragged my butt out of bed and took a shower.  We were going out for breakfast.  Ron got up in a pretty timely manner.  When he was ready to go, I took him out in the garage. 

I got a little manic last night.  We have a 200 square foot garage attached to the house.  Like most garages, it is full of stuff.  Last night I went and got rid of a bunch of old paperwork from 2008, an old lawnmower part from 2006 (mower is long gone), etc.  I filled up about 40 gallons worth of trash can and took it out for garbage collection today. 

They came early and got it all, and I wanted to see what Ron thought of the garage.  It had been pretty crowded. 

He was impressed.  It's always nice to have some room to move around without bumping into things.  We went out, I put the garbage can away (these guys come early!), and we left. 

It was a straight trip to the taqueria.  We had a good breakfast but they left us there too long.  It is just stupid - that is the only word I can conjure, that we have to wait so long for a 2 mile ride home.  This place is practically right next door but it might as well be 20 miles away.  It's just that difficult. 

Ron said he is taking a cab home, next time, which is really sad.  The whole meal for both of us (eating many breakfast tacos, a quesadilla, 2 drinks, chips and salsa) totaled $15.  That is probably what the cab would cost if we gave them a decent tip.  But we were left there for over an hour after we finished eating. 

Not complaining, glad we have the service.  But it is just sad, I asked Ron today and he agreed, transportation issues are the WORST of our disability problems, and make us feel the most crippled.  I think that is sad. 

We eventually did get back home.  Ron had so much room in the front of the garage he asked me to put up the garbage can.  I told him I had!  He said "Wow!" again, meant it, and thanked me sincerely. 

I try to channel my manias these days.  I don't know if you have heard of the spoon theory, basically your illness gives you so many spoons a day.  You have to spend them on things like bathing, meal prep, housework, pet care, child care, etc.  You have to spend them wisely or you will run out when you really need them.  So, sometimes, you may have to skip the housework if you're going to an event for your child, later on.  Well, in my case, sometimes I get a few spoons (depression), sometimes I get more, more like a "normal" person has.  I spent mine on something useful.  Yay, me. 

Once we got home (almost noon!) I got out the crock pot, liner, etc and started assembling the chicken to eat later.  I layered veggies, then a can of diced tomatoes (I find them very useful in cooking, you can add them to just about anything), herbs, meat, and then some garlic (should have gone in the bottom) and a sprinkle of more herbs on top of the chicken.  Then I closed it all up and turned it on. 

Biscuit wanted some food, so I fed him.  I am just happy he likes the diet food enough to demand it.  I laid down for a nap, Torbie joined me.  She likes to lay on my chest and purr, knead my face with her claws, and get lots of petting.  If I stop the petting she digs her paws into my face.  She is an extortionist! 

Ron drank for a while (now that he had his kitchen back) and then went to bed. 

I couldn't really sleep so I got up after about an hour.  Ron was lying in bed with Biscuit.  They seemed to be having a good time, curled up together.  I think Biscuit knows Ron signed off on using savings (I would have, anyway) to help him out. 

I checked on the chicken (cooking, the sprinkle of herbs sitting nicely on top) and watched a little TV.   Checked my blood sugar, 90, so very good.  Interesting I can eat Mexican food (3 tacos and a mini quesadilla) and my blood sugar is great.  I am generally not a huge Mexican food fan, that's what I find funny.  The thing that is good for me doesn't really appeal. 

But I am down to my last 2 test strips for my old meter, then onto the new one.  Walmart has plenty of the new strips so I'm not worried. 

Got online, I need to order some herbs.  The Wild Yam really did the trick for my heavy spotting between cycles, that is GONE and back to normal!  You can bet I will keep taking it.  I feel like I am having fewer headaches on the headache herbs but hard to say definitively.  I will probably get some more Butterbur anyway, just to be safe. 

Mosquitoes are everywhere so I think I will order some more lemongrass soap, that is bug repellent but smells nice.  I asked Ron, he said he didn't need anything. 

So I will need to check my vitamin box, and dig out my debit card. 

I was thinking at breakfast this morning.  My Dad told me my aunt is thinking about moving hundreds of miles away.  I doubt he was "supposed" to tell me that.  IMO, that's the sort of thing she should tell me. 

It wouldn't be a bad thing for me except for my doctor.  I see him every 3 months and she gives me a ride, as it is crosstown and not on a bus line.  I texted her and she said she would be happy to take me next month. 

If she does move (which is totally her right) I will find another doctor closer to home, one within cab range.  I saw one online who was right near "my" Walmart.  I would be OK, might take me a few tries but I'd find someone. 

I am pretty sure my aunt is staying put, though.  She has 2 grandbabies literally right around the corner, and is not that far from major interstates that take her to the others.  We will see. 

Chicken recipe:
Herb chicken stew
Crock pot liner
Enough chopped "wax" potatoes to cover bottom of crock pot
Enough sliced carrots to cover the potatoes
1 can diced tomatoes
1/4 t rosemary
1/4 t thyme
1 bay leaf
2 cloves garlic (all on top of tomatoes)
I handful chopped onion
3 skinned chicken thighs (leave the bone)
Sprinkle rosemary (just a tad) and thyme on the chicken
1/4 t black pepper, sprinkled on chicken

Close it up, and we shall see what I get around 7 PM.  It's bound to be better than that awful chicken curry from a few weeks ago, the day Biscuit got sick. 

And, like I told Ron, if it sucks I will just get rid of it.  The whole thing cost me maybe $2.  The potatoes cost more than the chicken! 


Spankadoo said...

Your food sounds delicious! Maybe your doctor could recommend a back up in your area that he thinks will work well with you in your area? I always do that for patients who transfer I give them a few references that might work well in their specific areas of need.

Heather Knits said...

I'll ask him.

Yeah, it turned out pretty good, although Ron said one of the herbs reminded him of pot.

Not sure what to do with that.