Friday, March 15, 2019

The squeamish will want to skip this

All 3 cats have access to a catio, a fenced in, safe, backyard area just off the house.  They access it by cat door.  They like to hunt "small game" and occasionally bring me a cricket, snake, or lizard.  One time a lizard fell off the ceiling onto my head while I was doing my God time. 

I was getting ready to go to bed.  Biscuit went into a litter box and proceeded to strain and strain.  Oh, crap, I thought, he has more crystals.  I decided it was just making us both miserable with me watching so I went in the other room. 

Biscuit came in the room after me and began rubbing his butt on the floor.  He has never done that.  I figured, it must be butt related and not bladder. 

I warned you.  You can leave now. 

So I checked him, and he had half a dead bug hanging out of his butt.  I got the disposable gloves and a wet wipe, then gently removed it.  Biscuit seemed relieved and ran off.  I threw it all away. 

He is now acting totally normal.  I'm glad he's better but he scared me pretty good. 

Small game indeed. 

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