Monday, March 11, 2019

And to cap my day

I got a "nice" TV dinner out of the freezer.  It was big, it was a hungry man dinner.  It had ham, which I love, and chicken (I have a complicated relationship with chicken).  It had sides. 

I cooked it.  I took a bite of the "ham".  It was so bad I don't think it came from a pig.  It is the first time ever in my life I have put ham down.  I tried the chicken, after all, meds say "take with food".  Bland and spongy.  Just awful.  The sides were unremarkable and I finally just tossed the whole thing in the trash. 

Awful!  I hate wasting my money like that.  Thank God I have my generic brand high protein shakes.  I drank one of those and took my pills. 

If I had been feeling spiteful, I would have offered the dinner to Ron.  As it is I am just glad I didn't have to finish it.  The ham made me queasy, something that never happens. 

It looked harmless and the photo on the box was very appetizing, but what a waste. 

I am especially mad because it took up a lot of room in my freezer (I have a very small freezer), and I wasted that space for well-on a week thinking I had something tasty. 

I don't think I will be eating hungry man dinners anymore. 

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