Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Workboots for me and a water fountain for the cats

I woke up around 7 this morning.  A mild headache that faded pretty fast.  I think the pillow change helped. 

I have been a little manic the last few days, I believe in part due to my allergy medicine.  Loratadine can make me (more) manic.  But I had to take something, between the cats, mold levels, and pollen everywhere, I needed some help. 

I have been taking a lot of oral vitamin C.  One of the best things I did was buy a pound of granulated Vitamin C.  I can put a little powder in my sugar free drink mix at whim.  I get a lot of C out of that. 

So, I got up, got on the computer, fed the cats, dosed Biscuit later (I don't want him to associate the food with medicine).  He peed in the box, with some difficulty but he peed a good amount.  I was happy to see it.  And he's acting normal, begging for food, he climbed in bed with me this morning, etc. 

I got dressed and called Arturo.  He took me to Walmart.  The parking lot was very busy but I didn't see a lot of people where I went, in the store. 

I went pretty much directly to the shoe department.  Some time ago (years?) I bought some Brahma work shoes.  They look like a sneaker but have a steel toe.  And we all know Ron is blind, and likes to back that wheelchair up over my feet!  Plus they are also good from a self-defense standpoint. 

The heels of my feet have been KILLING me lately, even when I am sitting or lying down.  So I knew that's my body's way of saying "time for new shoes".  I don't think about shoes or clothes until they wear out or the weather changes.  That's just my default. 

I'll remind you I was raised by a man, one who believed in wearing simple, durable, clothes.  Some of that rubbed off.  Happily I can do that in my daily living, Ron doesn't expect me to parade around in heels and tight skirts, work doesn't care if I wear jeans and a t-shirt every day. 

But I have wide feet, so wide I wear men's work shoes.  I was a little skeptical I could find something, especially at Walmart.  But I had to look. 

I had already spent the money so I could sit down and go through the shoes, taking my time and not forced to grab the first "OK" shoe.  I wanted something "great". 

I started with the Brahma brand.  After all, it worked before.  I am a men's 9.  So I went around selecting size 9 steel toed work shoes.  I found 4. 

Two of them were a wide (bonus!).  I started with them.  I tried on the first pair.  They were great, would be perfect with a basic gel insole.  I put them in the "keep" pile. 

I thought about it for a while.  Ideally I would get a second pair of shoes, but the money!  I didn't have that much to spend.  I thought to myself, I just put a $20 water fountain for the cats into this shopping cart, and then added $5 worth of filters so the water would stay fresh. 

Heather, are you willing to spend $25 on the cats but not on yourself?  Remember, if you can't work due to your feet you won't have any cats. 

So I tried on the next pair, a camo ankle boot.  And it was so comfortable.  I said that's it, I am done, and put both sets of shoes in the basket, took the other 2 pair (Walmart had a pretty good inventory) and put them back. 

As it turns out pair #1 was on clearance, and I got them for $17.  I did my regular shopping after that.  I got a few things for Ron, some candy for the medical providers, etc.  I did not buy any canned cat food.  Biscuit is eating his formula, the only problem I have is that Torbie wants to eat it, too.   I bought some TV dinners.  I was bad and bought some chips for myself. 

I talked to my aunt and she backed me on the buying 2 pairs of workboots.  So I felt good about that. 

I finished my shopping about the time she had to go.  I grabbed a couple of TV dinners because Ron didn't want to go out. 

I paid.  There went most of my disposable income.  But water fountain for the cats?  Work boots?  Necessary, both of them. 

I had enough money for Arturo of course, so I called him.  Happily, he could take me home.  The last couple times he ferried us his phone was blowing up with requests. 

He took a little while but that was OK.  I had time to eat my snack, some "at the sell by date" turkey ends from the deli.  The hickory smoked was very good, I ate about 8 ounces.  I try to get protein when I can. 

He pulled up and we loaded.  It was pretty bulky, I had soda for work, personal soda, 2 pairs of work boots, a water fountain, etc.  He was very gracious and helpful.  He always is.  Especially when I was near hysterics with a sick Biscuit. 

We went home.  Ron had not called so I assumed he was still asleep.  I put almost everything in the house (I left the work Diet Coke in the garage), and put it away.  Ron woke up, we talked.  He ate a snack in the kitchen and told me he had seen Biscuit. 

I laid down, thinking I could get a nap.  But I was not tired due to the mania.  I probably have an "average" amount of energy for most people, but "a lot" for me.  Torbie joined me for a while, we did some petting, and then I got up. 

I wanted to get that water fountain going.  It proved to be more difficult than I thought, but I got it disassembled and put back together.  Why they wanted me to do that?  I don't know.  But I did it, filled it up, plugged it in.  It hummed gently and water began to flow.  I told it I would take it back if it wasn't good for us.  It seemed suitably cowed. 

Biscuit came running over and spent some time scenting it.  He didn't drink any water but he knew it was FOR water.  Torbie came running.  She is the old lady and there was some question about her kidneys, a few years back.  I would really like her to  - and there she went, lapping up the water.  She loved it and lay down next to it after she finished. 

So, worst case, Torbie will use it.  I am sure Baby Girl will too.  We will see about Biscuit.  He seems to like the other water bowls. 

I talked some more to Ron, and he gave me some money for the Diet Coke.  Now I had a little more disposable.  Ron got a call, his medicine was in.  Well, crap.  I had just been there. 

We will have to go back, which isn't a problem for me.  I already did my major shopping, I'd just be looking for some drink mix and maybe some Diet Mountain Dew. 

A few days ago, when Biscuit was sick, I got plastic crates and made "steps" next to each of the human beds.  I wanted him to get up easily.  He found them convenient but didn't stay groggy for long.  I had been thinking about putting them away, but today I saw Torbie use "my" step to get into my bed.  Torbie's an old lady, in her teens, so I want to pamper her as much as possible.  Every couple years I try to give her glucosamine, which she hates. 

I told Ron not to move his step so she can access his bed, too.  I think it is just a nice idea, if you have small/medium pets, for them to have a step to access your bed, if you want them in the bed. 

If you don't I feel sorry for you, you're missing out. 

It was literally freezing this morning but now looks to have warmed up some.  I already took out the garbage can so I think I will play it lazy from here on. 

Ron doesn't want to do anything tomorrow so it's up to me, what I do.  I'll have to see how I feel. 

I sure would love to catch Biscuit at that water fountain. 

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