Saturday, March 2, 2019

Not sorry I did it

It didn't take Ron long to use up the goodwill he had purchased this week. 

Things work like that, with everyone, everything they do puts them up, or down, in your book.  And Ron just lost all his points. 

I was sitting in my chair.  I had just done up my pills and put them away.  Ron was bragging about how he wasn't sitting in the kitchen and drinking.  Because he "always" treats the cats when he is in the kitchen.  He didn't want them coming and bothering him for treats because he couldn't be sure who was who. 

He went back in the kitchen and sure enough, they followed him, begging.  He went over and fed Baby Girl some treats on her box.  Then he began viciously attacking me verbally, haranguing, cursing me, and demanding I give Torbie "her" treats.  All this right out of the gate, then he went into the whole "You're a bad mother thing" - I mean, clearly the man has mother issues - he was totally unraveled because he felt I was "neglecting" a 15 pound cat by refusing to feed her treats, that instant.

He asked me why I wasn't doing it.  I told him, you are attacking me.  I'm never going to do what you want if you are attacking me when you ask.  He got even worse and kept going on I'm a bad mother/did I hurt your feewings?/I hate you..etc. 

He's gone to his room by this point so Biscuit is looking at me.  Now, I will never do something that rewards such atrocious behavior.  He did stop for a minute and make a sincere effort to ask me to please give Torbie some treats.  So I got up and gave her a few. 

Then he started threatening to come out and give Torbie treats, himself, and "If Biscuit eats some that's just too bad, because you are a bad mother.

I tried to tell him I had given Torbie some treats.  He shouted me down and repeated his threat that he would feed Biscuit treats (which, clearly, were a factor in making him sick) if I didn't [he meant comply but he didn't say the word].  I told him I had given her some treats. 

Biscuit had come over and been very interested, I had a hell of a time keeping him away.  I realized it will be very unfair to have treats in the house, feed them to the other cats, and he gets nothing. 

Ron was also still haranguing me.  I finally snapped.  I very seldom snap these days.  Better living through medication and hopefully a decent faith life. 

But I was SICK of him threatening Biscuit.  That was the cheapest, ugliest, dirtiest trick I have seen in a very long time.  As bad as when he used to throw his other women in my face. 

I told him if he didn't shut up, I was going to get up and throw every treat in the garbage.  All of them.  Right now.  He began mocking me so I got up.  I told him, I am throwing them all away. 

To him, it was some sort of payoff.  He had finally made me lose my temper.  To him, this was a great event, a payoff to prove I was "NOT OK"  Not elevated and supreme like Ron, I was just a lowly, flawed, person who lost her temper.  While he was crowing in his room, I gathered up all the treats and threw them in the garbage can. 

He crowed and harangued for a while yet and then finally wound down.  But he doesn't realize he crossed a line. 

Trying to get what you want via verbal abuse is one thing, you have been doing that for years.  Using my mother is also a popular tactic, taking the worst times of my life and throwing them in my face "Torbie wants a treat just like you wanted your mother to feed you" etc.  Just complete ugly. 

But threatening Biscuit.  He is lucky I don't pack all 3 cats and walk out of here right now. 

But he has also failed to realize something very important: Heather buys the treats.  He doesn't even know what they are.  He has no one to go buy them for him.  He could pay someone but that would cost $$ and even then he doesn't know for certain what they are. 

Treats are not a right.  Treats are a privilege.  And he just lost it.  Those treats are staying in the garbage.  He can't get them out, it's a big can and he can't stand and then bend over to get them out, assuming he could find them. 

And I bought them with my money, so he can't even argue that.  Nope, he screwed up and he will find out for sure tomorrow. 

I am sure I will "lose" the trip to Walmart he said he would take me on Monday.  I am certain he will "punish" me by taking it away.  But I stand by my decision. 

Those things are crap anyway and not anything a loving pet parent should feed their pets.  And if he is going to threaten to hurt Biscuit then I will take his weapon away.  He says he loves all the cats.  He can prove it. 

Perhaps, in a few months, we can bring the treats back but they will be gone for a while. 

And it's his fault. 


Andrea said...

Well done! I don't always agree with you, but you definitely made the right call there. I'm so glad you stood up for Biscuit, and yourself! And the cats are better off without the treats! Ron can't control how much he feeds them, and its hurting their health.

Anonymous said...

Good for you. I really think it would have been a matter of days before he started giving Biscuit treats again anyway. Sounds like he was more pissed that his drinking in the kitchen and giving the cats routine was being inconvenienced more than anything else. Now for treats you can still do my chicken idea and give the cats a couple of pieces of cookef chicken everyday. My cats love it. Just cook up one or two chicken breasts with no seasoning or spices. Cool and cut uo into small chunks. Put in freezer. Take some out in the morning and give them their portions for yhe day when you want. They will love it.

Anonymous said...

I knew his “caring” about biscuits health was fake. This man is a disease and I wish you would get him out of your life. You don’t deserve this abuse. I wish you would stand up for heather to him as much as you stood up for biscuit to him!! Reading this stuff he does makes my blood boil.