Saturday, March 30, 2019

Busy Saturday on not much sleep

Ron had a bad night for pain, which meant I had a bad night for sleep.  We both dragged around all day, but he was in a decent mood. 

We did our supply run and then went to work.  It didn't need much, but we stayed busy until our pickup time. 

Our ride was late to go home, we had to wait a while outside with no shelter (that's every day) but then it started raining.  Ron was not happy.  But it passed and our driver came. 

Sometimes regular drivers forget that Ron likes to ride in the back passenger side, this one pulled up so far I couldn't get the correct door open.  I had to ask him to back up so I could put Ron in the correct spot. 

After the incident this week where he almost fell, and I had to hold him up until the driver came back with the wheelchair, he has said he does not want to sit on the driver's side anymore.  I can't blame him.  If he falls outside on pavement/concrete he's going to split his head open and that will be a Godawful mess.  Better to ride in the wheelchair compartment. 

We came home, it was a straight trip but he was weaving a little.  I was glad to get home.  I took Ron in the house.  The driver stayed in the driveway for a good 20 minutes, not sure what that was about.  I didn't care. 

We went to bed right after I fed the cats.  It had been hours.  They were hungry.  Torbie ran around the house like a crazy animal after eating her food.  She's been doing that since I started her on the new food. 

I took a nap.  I slept great and woke up with Biscuit flopped on my leg.  It was very cute.  I fed him again.  I should add here this is how I do it: Doc said half a cup, so each cat gets that in their bowl every day.  I put it out when they ask or look hungry, they eat, I put it away again.  When it's gone, it's gone.  So when I "feed" them 6 times a day I am letting them snack on the same half cup. 

Then I did my workout.  I did 10 minutes on the exercise bike.  Then I got out my plastic step, remember those?  I still have one.  I went up and down off it for a few minutes and my legs started killing me.  I had done about 3-4 minutes.  I said "OK, my body is telling me something" and I went and did weights.  I did legs and back, did some deadlifts - those are always great.  My legs are pretty sore already but that is good, I want to build them up. 

I also need to work on my back, but carefully.  I need to build up strength without incapacitating myself.  If I over do it I won't be able to take care of Ron or the business. 

About the only bad thing, I kicked over my Dr Pepper and it spilled in the garage.  But it was diet so OK.  I logged everything in a notebook and came back in the house.  Then I cooked up the ground beef for sloppy joes.  I used my iron skillet. 

I had 2 kinds of sauce, I went with the Bourbon BBQ.   I dished up a bowl and ate it with a glass of milk.  It was very good.  I took my pills, yay me. 

Then, not done yet - I took out my pill box where I keep all my medication.  Then I checked with Ron to see if he needed anything.  He said yes, I helped him, told him I would be busy for a while doing up my pills. 

Then I did them up.  It took forever but I got them done.  Now I am good for another 2 weeks. 

And in another couple minutes I will call Dad, see if they pick up.  They will probably want to talk about the MRI so I am guessing yes. 

And #2 is having some sort of birthday party, quieter than the ones #6 had.  It is already 6 Pm and they have been at it for a few hours.  I am guessing they will wrap it up in another hour or two.  I can live with that. 

I got a lot done today in spite of a crappy start.  I am pleased with myself, and Ron.  We did very well on not much sleep. 

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