Sunday, March 3, 2019

Sunday morning

I think Torbie understood I threw out "her" treats.  She didn't get into bed with me for a while.  I was lying in bed a little frustrated with her, because she "started" the whole mess last night, with her begging.  But she got in bed with me, got on top of me, purring and massage, I petted her.  We came to an understanding.  I think she understands why I had to do it. 

I got up around 7 and fed the cats, one at a time.  Biscuit ate first.  He gobbled his food with relish.  He at least appears to enjoy it now and, based on the bag, it will only be helping him.  Good. 

One of the girls came up after that, Torbie I think.  I put some of her food down in a different bowl and stood over her as Biscuit lounged nearby.  He didn't make a move for her food, she stood there and ate for a while, then walked away.  Baby Girl came next, ate out of the "salmon" bowl, I added some more food when it ran low to ensure everyone was walking away full.  She finished, I put up the uneaten food.   I can do this every day.  I am just glad the cats figured out what I need to do now. 

No food on the floor now, just two canisters.  That worked pretty well.  I got online for a bit and watched some TV, then took a shower around 9:30.  I didn't need to wash my hair today so it didn't take as long. 

About halfway through, Ron rolled into the bathroom doorway (I leave the bathroom door open unless we have guests).  He said he was "pretty drunk last night" and couldn't remember what had happened with the treats. 

First, I told him I would give him a baggie of the special food for Biscuit, and he could administer that as a treat if he wanted to give something to Biscuit.  He said no, he did not.  He would not give Biscuit treats. 

I told him, in a level (but clearly Not Happy) voice, that he had threatened Biscuit with the treats, I asked him to stop, he cursed me out and said he would do it again, so I threw them out.  He was shocked.  I don't do things like that.  I never even threw out his porn. 

He asked again why I did it, I repeated myself "You were threatening Biscuit".  He said he did not, and if he had he didn't mean it.  I said "I didn't know that, did I?  You were making threats and I acted to protect him (Biscuit)".    He said again he wouldn't do it but he could tell I didn't believe him. 

That is a sad day, when your wife truly believes you will harm the cat, out of spite.  One day Ron is going to have a wake-up call. 

He told me to "put them back" I told him they were in the big garbage can and not going anywhere.  He made a comment about "waste" and then got a little righteous about me throwing out "his" treats.  I reminded him I bought them.  He could say nothing to that and left. 

He is in the kitchen now, drinking.  He was muttering under his breath when I sat down, things he wants to say to me but won't do like a man.  So I turned on my music and he shut up. 

I am going to give it about an hour before I leave.  Oh, now he's calling me a bitch.  I guess the vodka is kicking in. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope he doesn't hurt biscuit while you are gone. And this is in no way torbies fault. This is all rons fault 100%. Since you are in an abusive situation it makes sense you would try and find a way to blame something else for his behavior. If only torbie did t beg for treats or if only ron wasnt in pain or if only the sky wasnt blue. If only. If only. If only. The man has always been this way. That I have no doubt about.