Monday, March 11, 2019

The rest of Monday

I had another difficult night with Ron.  I don't know why he felt he had to keep me up, I hadn't "offended" him.  I got up when my alarm sounded, he was awake.  I yelled at him and told him I would not tolerate that treatment. 

I got ready and we went outside (my suggestion, he is away from temptation out in the driveway).  Our ride was over an hour late.  I was Not Happy.  Here we are, trying to work, and be productive citizens, unlike the majority of the clients who use the service.  They don't work, or, IMO, contribute to society.  They just take resources, like rides. 

So it was more important to take some mentally slow person who can't even tell time to their adult daycare than it was to take us to work.  Not cool.  I told Ron, "This is why I can't get another job, if I tried paratransit would screw up the trips and make me late to work, and I'd get fired."  Ron agreed.

I resolved to be nice to the driver, when they came.  As it turns out the driver was a really sweet lady we like a lot.  I bit my tongue and we just told her, yeah, over an hour late, good thing we are self employed or we'd be fired. 

While waiting, Ron, at my instigation, had cancelled our ride home so we would have adequate time to stock.  Once you make the trip they don't like you adjusting times.  You are lucky enough to get the one ride. 

We got to work, I helped Ron first, then stocked.  It took a while. 

The other vendors are missing their guy who quit, he did a lot of repairs and required no supervision.  Now they are having to stay late every day to train the new employee (who seems fine as far as I can see).  I notice she is wisely wearing comfortable clothes to work. 

I did it all and then we left.  Ron called the guy who normally brings him vodka, and told him, on the way home, to run by the store and buy him another case! 

Now Ron had barely apologized to me for this morning.  I was Not Happy, but I was stuck in the vehicle. 

We went home.  We had to do the report, it was due today.  Ron likes to wait until the last minute, especially if he is drinking. 

I had a quick snack and took a nap (I needed it, what with the shouting and all last night).  Ron was quiet enough, I got a couple of hours. 

When I got up he was still working on the report.  He had difficulties because he took a motion sickness pill at work and it made him "dumb".  He had a lot of trouble figuring things out, things he would normally know.  So he did battle with that for hours. 

I got up and he said he was done.  So we filed the report and I filed the payment.  That is all done now. 

We had talked about what he wanted to do tomorrow - remember, I don't have my own paratransit (and I shouldn't, because I can ride the bus unassisted), so it's all about what he wants, which of course feeds into the whole ego thing: "I SAY we are going HERE". 

We are going to Walmart but, he said, he only wanted to go for a little while.  Which meant I couldn't do my grocery shopping. 

Great.  So I made an online order.  I think I will make a chicken stew this week, I bought the carrots and potatoes (I already have diced tomatoes, herbs, and chicken).  I got some drink mix, a lot of yogurt (since I am eating breakfast again), etc. 

It took a little doing to get the total up over $50 so I would get the free shipping, but I managed.  Then I got to apply the free shipping code (DELIVERY).  I had already picked my time for delivery tomorrow before I started shopping. 

So I will, in effect, be going to Walmart twice tomorrow.  First they will bring me what I just ordered, then later on, paratransit will take us to the store so we can conduct some business.  Stupid, but that's the way he wants it. 

I was happy to see Walmart is doing an Amazon-like thing and offering free delivery, for a year, for $98.  That is a very good deal considering I generally spend $8 a week.  Or I can do $10 for a month.  I will definitely be investigating that further.  No matter what happens in my life, Walmart is going to bring me groceries. 

So that's done, plenty of food for the next week.  I try not to buy too much of the perishables, because I can only eat so much. 

Biscuit peed for me today and I was quite happy to see he peed easily, and a good amount.  That is wonderful.  All the cats love the low-profile box in front of my TV chair, so I get a view of all of them conducting their business.  It's the only box they are using, so I am working to keep it scooped every day.  It's not bad if I do it that way.  He has a good appetite for his special food.   Someone drank most of the water out of their special fountain. 

I put down some food for him and some for Torbie, she wanted to eat his food and he tried to eat hers, I had to play policeman.  Only a sighted person could manage all this! 

Ron was smart enough, this month, to hold the drinking until after he did the report.  Then he went in the kitchen and drank.  He told me he "only had a little, so you can sleep tonight" as if he were giving me a great gift. 

I thought about giving him the finger.  I'm supposed to sleep well every night, you jerk. 

We will see.  If nothing else I did get a good nap today so I have that to draw on should it become necessary.   

I'm just glad I already bought my groceries.  I have to get up a little early (but not 4, like I did today) to receive them and put them away.  That's it. 

I am going to do some research into seasoning chicken stew and thaw out some chicken thighs tonight, then I can cook it Wednesday.  I am thinking garlic, rosemary, and thyme.  But I will do some research first. 

I hate to waste food because the recipe didn't turn out. 

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