Sunday, March 31, 2019

My illness can be exhausting

I woke up at 6 (don't know if I mentioned it, but when I called at the appointed time I was sent to voicemail).  I will try again later today. 

I did all kinds of housework.  I couldn't do much organizing because my garbage can is full, and junk collectors and stray dogs go through plastic garbage bags, so I try to avoid them if at all possible. 

I did a lot of cleaning in the kitchen.  When Ron woke up I helped clean his side, too.  He didn't even know he had some of the items.  In his case, he has a very good excuse: he can't see it.  So I stood there asking "do you want this?" time and again "Where do you want this?" etc.  His side looks much better since I got all of his crap out of the dish drainer.  Now I can actually use the dish drainer for the intended purpose. 

I did some work on laundry, too, but I also worked on a problem in the computer room.  I will not say much except I had to wear gloves and it was unpleasant, but it is much better now.  I cleaned up a little bit of stuff on the computer room floor, too.  I didn't really have room for the trash, but I squashed it in there. 

I went after "in front of the couch" in the front room.  I had 2 bags, both of them attractive reusable designs.  Those, I kept.  First bag has plug in air freshener ports of various brands.  Febreeze and Glade.  I found some air freshener oils.  The Hawaiian gave me a headache so I unplugged it.  The other one was unlabeled but is freshening up the computer room, it is some sort of Febreeze.  I kept the warmers in the one bag. 

Then I went after bag #2.  I found some beautiful notebooks and pens.  I remember I got them I was going to do something related to my God Time.  But I can use them now, and I put them away. 

That cleared out a bag, so I folded it and put it in the reusable bag holder.  Eventually I ate and took my morning pills, back to work, took a shower. 

I ate some of the BBQ Sloppy Joe mix after the shower.  Ron hates it with a passion.  I thought it was really good.  But I think the head injury makes him a little more rigid in his food tastes.  He is very adamant that the food has to taste identical every single time and strongly prefers processed foods to home cooking.  This has only evolved since the accident.  I would be curious if another TBI caregiver could give me some insight on that.  As long as he's eating... 

Then I took a nap, had a pretty good one with Torbie.  She is always so excited when I lie down because we have our special petting time where she gets up on me for petting.  Sometimes I stop, to tease her, and she puts her paw on my face with her claws out.  She's firm, but gentle.  Petting must resume!  It is the highlight of our day. 

I petted her until she walked off and lay down by my foot.  I fell asleep, woke up with a headache from the Hawaiian air freshener. 

It reminded me of the Peach Blossom headache.  Travel back in time with me to 2003, right after the accident.  Ron is bedbound.  He has to use a bedpan, which he hates.  I would put him on the bedpan (I'm not going to pull someone off their job to do that when I'm right there and can do it) and walk out of the room.  But Ron complained his feces made the room stink and he wanted a can of air freshener spray. 

We had one we used at home, "Peach Blossom".  He used it at home when he used the toilet.  So I brought it in one day and snuck it into his room.  Things went pretty well for a while.  He would use the bedpan, spray, call for me to come in, and I would enter, then call for assistance.  The staff seemed to appreciate the consideration. 

However, one time I thought I heard him call me and I entered the room RIGHT as Ron was spraying the Peach Blossom.  He maced me right in the face and I was stricken.  I had a lot of sinus troubles back then and it felt like it went straight to my sinuses.  I developed a ghastly headache that took days to dissipate, and I could only smell and taste Peach Blossom, for days.  It was horrible.  I can still remember the taste. 

I have never bought another can of Peach Blossom.  Ugh!  That stuff had been weaponized.  They still sell it, too. 

No, they don't.  They added lavender to it.  Ron loathes lavender so that's out. 

I'm a little stiff from my workout yesterday but not unpleasant.  We will be running around a lot tomorrow (work, doctor) so probably no time to work out.  We will see.  I might throw some "arms" in there if I get a chance. 

The cats are all doing great.  Biscuit has been adorable, and is in my bed right now.  Baby Girl has been hanging out with Ron, as usual.  Torbie and I had our cuddle during my nap. 

I fed all of them a couple of times, they love that when I'm home they can just sit over there or by my foot and I will get up and feed them.  I am particularly happy to do that with Biscuit, as his food is medicine. 

That's it for now.  Plans: talk to Ron about tomorrow's trips, call my parents, eat & pills, litter box. 


Spankadoo said...

I am back and catching up! Should probably not comment on everything like it is “ new” oooxxx

Heather Knits said...

I like comments, and yours are insightful.