Saturday, March 9, 2019

And, it continues

Ron woke up, in a very ugly mood.  Asked if I had checked the mail (for more talking books).  I said "I don't reward bad behavior". 

He is having a massive tantrum.

If he wants to be sympathetic he is going about it all wrong. 

But I won't reward bad behavior "Throw a urinal at me, sure, I'll go check the mail and bring you talking books". 

Now he is demanding I do the accounting work now and making threats to resign the program. 

He is just being a real asshole tonight. 

Oh, and drinking some more, because embarrassing himself like he did earlier wasn't enough. 


Anonymous said...

Omg LET HIM RESIGN THE PROGRAM AND SET YOU FREE. Then you can work for someone else and leave him.

Anonymous said...

She doesn't want to be set free. I watched some of her you tube videos and Heather's identity is completely wrapped up in this man.

Heather Knits said...

Unfortunately, I fell into a trap. "Let me take care of you" he said. "Quit your job and help me with the business". I NEVER thought he would be like this. I believed I would be valued and appreciated.

I am not.

And, since I don't have my "own" job (but boy do I work!), I am stuck for now.

Let me put it this way, if I won a lotto I would be gone in days. With all of the cats.

Anonymous said...

"Let me put it this way, if I won a lotto I would be gone in days. With all of the cats. "

You are a liar. If you won the lottery you would still stay with him. Tell the truth.

Heather Knits said...

I am. I would absolutely leave him. I would make sure he had decent care providers, but I would have my own place, preferably on the third floor where he could NEVER access.

Anonymous said...

But, even if you don’t win the lotto, you can still get out. There are jobs everywhere right now. You could work SOMEWHERE ELSE and support yourself and the cats. If you have to take government assistance to get there then so be it. This is exactly what it’s for. Please, just do it. You suddenly mention the lotto because you know it will never happen, such an easy excuse.

Well you don’t need the lotto to leave Ron. And the government can take care of Ron when you’re gone. Or just leave him on the doorstep of one of his remaining family members. Who cares.