Wednesday, March 27, 2019

5 AM on my day off

I woke up at 5 AM on my day off, with a headache.  I got up, used the bathroom, brushed my teeth.  Biscuit was starting to agitate - and that is such a beautiful thing: he begs for his food.  Mr Gray would not touch his special diet (Science Diet) and his illness eventually killed him.  Frosty never had time to go on a special diet.  So when the doctor said special food I was pretty worried.  She was worried, because he wouldn't eat at the hospital.

But I got him home, dished it up, he gobbled it.  And has for months.  In fact, it's so appealing the other cats want it, too.  Such a relief!  So I never mind feeding him, even though, when I'm home, it's several times a day.  I measure out his ration (1/2 cup) into his bowl.  I keep it in a lidded container.  When he wants to eat I take it out and serve it.  When he's done I put it away.  Repeat.

I don't mind doing this at all.  I am probably better about caregiving for the cat than I am for Ron.

I fed him.  Torbie showed up, I fed her too.  According to Chewy her food arrives today.  I am very curious to see how she likes it.  I didn't see Baby Girl, probably with Ron.

That is one bonded cat, Baby Girl.  Totally devoted to Ron.  He's the one who found her, who talked me into keeping her.  I was honestly happy with just Bubba but Ron begged and Bubba seemed to like her (Bubs was always generous about sharing his home), so we kept her.  But it was all Ron getting us to that point.  Probably the worst thing I could do to him was take her (when I moved out).  He wouldn't be able to care for her but it would kill him to see her go.  One of the things I consider when times are bad.

Anyway, I got them fed and the food put away.  I can't leave the standard diet food out because Biscuit would eat it, get more crystals, and end up back in the hospital.  I have no problem saying "no" to him eating that.  I am glad I am the only feeder, I am stronger than Ron would be about feeding.

As of today I will have 3 cats and 3 foods.  It's going to be interesting.  But if makes them healthier I am up for it.

I got on the computer for a while, answered a question, looked at Facebook.  Ron's former boss is a Facebook friend.  He and I are probably a little closer than he got with the other vendor's spouses, because of the accident.  He was a huge help to me the day of the accident and did everything he could to expedite us getting Ron's money as soon as he could.  Ron used to have a window every night where he was pretty coherent.  I would always have him call and leave a completely coherent and logical message on the boss' voicemail.  The boss would come by, Ron would be confused or asleep, but he was alert in the messages - so they didn't boot him from the program! 

He did a lot helping us out through some hard times so I like and respect him a lot.  I want really good things for him.  He is really cute, as he is totally devoted to his wife of 30+ some years.  And she is with him.  I love to see a happy couple.  They have grandkids too.  Someone I want to have a good life - so it was good to see him online.

Then I looked on one of my message boards, replied to several threads.  One thing that bugs me, in the religious section a lot of people talking about works-based salvation.  You can't do a damned thing to earn your way to heaven.  There is only one way, faith in Jesus alone.

You are not required to do good works, but the Bible says you will naturally have them if you have faith.  But reciting scripture as a penance?  Stuff like that?  NO.

My favorite was the debate about cremation.  One woman actually said enbalming honors God.  Uh, no.  It is a horrible and disgusting procedure.  I want to be cremated, and I have told my family.  I will remind everyone, though.

My headache is gone after 2 diet Mountain Dews.  I am happy to announce I was able to get a lot of diet soda and drink mix (powder) recently, so I will be very well hydrated.  I also have tons of food in the fridge.

Ron wants to go get fried chicken today.  He never wants fried chicken.  How do I say this and honor my parents?  Growing up, fried chicken, the way they did it, was not my favorite.  So I have never really been a fan of fried chicken.  But I will go with Ron, I can get some chicken strips if nothing else.

He didn't want to go to the one near our house, the last time we went he recalls we walked in right after someone had been robbed!  Says a lot about my neighborhood changing!  He doesn't remember but they also had sanitation issues, including a large dead roach on the floor in full view of the employees.  I was so nauseated that time I only had some biscuits.  I won't remind him.

He found another place about 5 miles away.  Hopefully it will be better in the safety and sanitation aspects.  I'm not going to remind him about the roach, that would ruin it for him.

And he will be eating real food and not crap snacks, so that's a win.  Yesterday he had chicken strips, today fried chicken.  He needs to eat more protein.

Anyway, I need to go check my blood sugar so I'll do that.  I'll let you know how it goes at the chicken place.

Edit to add: blood sugar was 130, should be under 100.  I went out in the garage, now that I cam mostly access my weight equipment, did some squats (body weight), chest presses (dumbell), and deadlift (light weight on a barbell).  I feel like jello.  And I only did one set of each.  I will give it another couple days and work my way up. 

I think it's important just to get in the habit of going out there every day before my shower. 


Anonymous said...

Ever see heat waves coming out of the crematorium stove pipe?
I did and can't get that horrible visual out of my head.

Heather Knits said...

Ron and I love BBQ. :)