Sunday, August 4, 2024

Sunday dinner

 She called out again.  

My boss gives people a lot of rope, she has to in a sense.  People who work nights/weekends for $14 an hour are not going to be the prime cut.  

I'm damaged goods, so are a lot of others.  But one thing the boss can't stand are lazy people and shirkers.  Last week she called out this same worker for literally standing around for half an hour gabbing to her friend (knowing the boss was there!) while I did all the work.  She told me, "Heather, this ends for you at 3.  Go do ___ instead"  "You (other employee) time to step up and do your job".  She said this in my hearing and that of another couple employees.  

So calling out twice on one of the busiest weekends of the year is not going to earn her any brownie points.  Maybe she (the employee) thinks she's immune, she's not.  

Last year this same boss fired a "Golden ticket" employee who I am sure NEVER expected to be fired, all she did was sit around and talk all day long, big attitude and very resentful to everyone.  She had done something years ago that I guess she felt gave her immunity.  In the end, it did not.  But the boss was very careful and followed the process and basically let the woman fire herself.  

Boy, was she mad.  

She had a crony all that lady did was stand around talking, gossiped a lot (God knows what she said about me but I'm sure it wasn't nice), they notified AP she was stealing, they built a case (AP) and fired her.  

Both of these women had over 30 years each with the company.  The lady I'm talking about has about 15? years.  

What she may not know the boss spoke to me about making me full time.  Currently I'm at 32 hours they want to bump me to 40. 

I mentioned I could work 10-7 every day to chief snitch and she loved the idea.  I'm sure that got back to the boss, that covers all the work both I and the other woman do.  

If you can't come and work they're going to can you.  They don't care why.  The blind vendors were no different and it was made ABUNDANTLY clear to me several times those machines had better be stocked every damn day or Ron would be out of the program.  No matter what was going on with his health.  That's just corporate America.  All they owe you is a paycheck for the hours you do come in and work, and if you won't work they'll find someone who will.  

Any rate I tried the turkey spaghetti and I found it awful.  I think because I am used to it with pork.  I was going to give some away but I don't feel like I can do that now.  

I don't have time to make the pork version and I have EIGHT containers of this stuff I spent hours making.  I guess I will eat it but I'm sure not looking forward to it.  I envision many grim meals in the breakroom.  

My allergies are pretty bad, enough I got into the cold and flu remedies.  The allergy pill by itself is not working.  I tried to take a nap with my feather pillow and it about killed me.  I think I'm going to need to get a bed pillow, sleep on it, and take it off the bed and put it on the shelf in the closet so BISCUIT can't sleep on it when I'm at work.  I suspect he does that.  He can have the other pillows (I have 2) in the bed.  

I need to look up the environmental quality report and see what is going.  Ozone is bad.  Other allergens are not.  But I got the pill down, cough suppressant, all that good stuff.  

So tomorrow I'm going to show up looking like crap warmed over and who knows about the other lady.  But I'll be there.  

I still need to make my stir fries.  

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