Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Tuesday morning

 It took me a little bit to fall asleep.  I was sleeping well when I woke up with an earache, I get these on occasion when my ears clog from allergies.  And I do sleep with cats, an allergen.  So I got up and took a Sudafed, admired my tree, and went back to sleep.  I have the tree on a timer it goes about 6 hours a day in the evening.  

I woke up again with a brutal headache around 5.  But in spite of all this I will say I feel like I slept well.  I took some Excedrin and went back to bed, got up about a half hour later.  I did my shower and most of my God Time (will finish up in a minute).  I decided on black sweatpants and a tshirt.  I am just not wanting to dress up today and that is OK.   

So: I opted for black t shirt and sweatpants, army green hooded sweatshirt.  I did up the candy to hand out.  It was funny one of my devotionals discussed God won't let you run out of supplies you need for ministry.  Good thing as I need more candy after this morning.  

If you know me personally that is always a good present: individually wrapped candy to hand out.  Or zip lock bags in the sandwich or quart sized, I can ALWAYS use those.  Anyway, I need to get more hard candy, people have been going crazy for those little strawberry things lately.  It is hard to find them at my store, they are pretty lean on the individually wrapped hard candy, so whatever I find will be snatched up.  No one has said anything about the caramels one way or the other but I know everyone likes caramel.  The "Santa Sack" chocolates have everyone's eyes lighting up saying it is the "good" stuff.  I want to have a lively mix of desirable candies to go with the Scripture booklet and I am certain God will provide that.  

My aunt should be on her way pretty soon she wanted to get to the bank early.  There has been a lot to Ron's estate and I am just glad he didn't have more assets.  The house goes to me, savings goes to me too.  We are still waiting on [spits on ground at bank] the tightwads to let Ron's money go.  It has been just stupid the hoops they have put us through.  I feel so bad for my aunt but she had done executor duties before.  I can see why a lot of times they do have a fee for the executor.  

One thing I have been doing lately is listening to uplifting praise music (I am not into Hillsong but I like Chris Tomlin) when I am on the computer I think that sets a better mind frame for my day.  

That's it for now.  

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