Saturday, November 27, 2021


 This day... 

So I started out with 5 hours of sleep, took my shower, got ready, did my God time (some of it the parsed down version).  Headed out the door with a couple of minutes to spare because there is a lot of debris on on the path near the bus stop - no one things about the pedestrian during construction.  

And the door wouldn't lock.  I have 2 keys on my ring, one says "Walmart" (was copied at, years ago, when they did that), the other has the name of the lock company on it.  They look identical.  I was getting very upset trying and trying, almost in tears, so upset my hands were shaking.  And I prayed about it and thought "I had better look at this key" and it was the "Walmart" not the "lock".  Well, crap.  

So I got out of there got to the bus stop.  I will be glad when they are done with the construction as it is a hassle.  I caught the first bus and rode to the traffic light.  By the way I am not the only female bus rider to takes the bus around to the end of the line and back, or rides up to a traffic light for a safer crossing.  Houston traffic is scary.  I got off and crossed the one street, approached the bus stop and WHAT?   Some guy, looked very dodgy (not white but not black either not sure what he was), big bushy terrorist beard and a very heavy backpack dragging down to his knees, walking along with a huge, unleashed, chow dog.  I was NOT happy.  He was not wearing a mask.  I didn't care about that but the bus driver will not stop, much less allow boarding, for anyone without a mask.  And the dog?  What bus is going to stop with a dog like that running loose?  I talked the guy into wearing a mask and he did.  The bus did stop amazingly.  I got on, he did, and the dog did not.  I guess that will be tomorrow's problem.  

The rest of the ride was uneventful; but I did have a pretty nasty headache.  I ate a lemon pie at work (paid for 😛) and that did the trick.  I am on day 2 of my cycle so that was a factor, also a cold front today and rain.  

Got to work did my worker bee buzz buzz.  Left at 3 came home in a cab because I was falling asleep on the way to work, how much more on the way home?  Got home, took a nap.  

I got up, started some laundry.  I took the purple lights off the tree.  I guess I had better explain them.  

I always get pretty festive during the holidays even with the customary holiday depression.  So in 2002 I got purple and pink lights and put them up in the front window of our duplex.  We didn't have a tree but I had the lights in the window.  My brother in law hated them.  The lights were still up when Ron got run over in January.  I couldn't bear to take them down for a while and left them burning so I would see them when I got home (without Ron) until I did bring him home.  So purple Christmas lights are VERY emotionally loaded which I didn't factor when I bought the strand a couple weeks ago.  I took them off and put them in the Christmas box.  

Today I put on the multi colored strand of 100 lights in addition to my light up star and the other 100 lights.  They look pretty good but a lot of orange which looks a little odd with the orange walls in the room, kind of like a "team spirit" theme tree.  But not bad.  I don't want to change it.  The star is very nice and worth the $7 I paid for it yesterday.  I will put up a photo once I do the ornaments.  Those are a plastic shatterproof all "balls" but different styles, in green.  It will be nice.  I got all my Christmas stuff pretty late last year and didn't have a lot of choices.  Ideally I would have got a red, gold, green ornament assortment but what I have is fine.  

I did almost lose it crying at work this morning they had a commercial for USPS they are a family taking care of yours... showed a processing plant, etc.  "Our team taking care of you" sort of thing and just seeing the machines reminded me of the 20 years at USPS and I almost lost it crying.  I had to do some fast blinks.  I don't think anyone would have cared in the break room but I am proud about that sort of thing.  

I don't, looking back, feel like USPS treated us fairly.  Or the Blind Vendors.  

I am moderately depressed now writing all this.  

But the cats are good, Torbie is still hanging in there.  The other cats all had a nice visit when I got home.  One of my bosses couldn't believe it when I told her I had 5 cats.  I always blame Ron for most of them.  😂 He's not around to defend himself.  

But they're all happy.  It has been getting crowded in my bed since the weather got cold, I have the good vent right above my bed, the best vent in the house actually, that blasts deliciously somnolent hot air all night long.  I would like a little more room but I do enjoy sleeping with a cat.  

I am glad I am doing the laundry tonight vs. tomorrow after work.  That way I can enjoy my time off more.  My hours would be no big deal if I had a car but on the bus I have to add basically 2-3 hours each way.  Hence the paid rides home after a long day or night.  

I am going to need to buy some more female supplies, I have had a pretty heavy couple days here.  That is always a lot of fun working retail, a pocket full of tampons and ducking out to the bathroom as needed.  Happily I have some jeans with good pockets.  I like the No Boundaries jeans at work, only $9, but the pockets on them are a joke.  My old jeans from the box in the garage, and the thrift store jeans, have better pockets.  They fit well, too.  

I am glad I picked up some smaller jeans it is great to have them all ready to go as I lose weight.  I hate baggy pants.  I am wearing a 3 x tshirt right now which is a size too large but that's fine.  Baggy pants?  Hate 'em.  But it's a good problem to have.  

I try to be diligent in what I eat, with the exception of the lemon pie today which I needed to eat for the headache.  I don't pretend to understand how it works but it does.  

One thing I do when I get home, I change out of my work clothes and hang them up or put them in the hamper, then I change into baggy elastic waist shorts (summer) or sweat pants, and t-shirt for hanging out around the house.  That saves wear, tear, stains on my work clothes.  Some of the cats like to get in my lap and dig in their claws which can be hard on fabric.  My old pants reflected this, little snags all over the thighs.  And I can't wear ripped jeans to work (not that I'd want to).  And I don't mind wearing the same type of things around the house.  One thing I have found, I don't like drawstrings.  I find that interesting.  

I have about 20 minutes until this load finishes and then I can put it in the dryer.  I will dry it some tonight and finish it tomorrow.  That's it for now.  

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