Monday, November 15, 2021

Monday afternoon

 Kind of a rough day, woke up early, depressed, got that somewhat controlled, took a nap, HEADACHE.  agh.  

Got up after a while tossing and turning with the head...took some Excedrin (it was bad enough to merit), got that under control.  Thought I need to eat later what am I going to eat?  I decided on Timmy Chan's.  They have a really good lo mein.  It is nicely greasy, good flavor, good chunks of meat, etc.  So I got out Uber eats and had a problem with it saying a credit card number I didn't know was declining.  What?  

I added a credit card, deleted the bad number, and it reverted to my primary card which is what I wanted the whole time.  But I got it paid.  I waited outside, tried to get outside as much as I could to get some fresh air and sun.  The cats came out with me a few times.  

I did some research on cat grooming.  Apparently what they do is a bath and then a furminator.  I could do that myself (the furminator I would not give them a bath unless I had to).  So I looked up cat de matting things.  I found something with good reviews and a decent price (about what it would cost for a cab, one way, to groomer).  That comes tomorrow.  

Baby Girl did get up with me on the couch and let me pet her on the mats so I think she will let me use a tool on her.  

I am tired, I think I am going to bed early.  

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