Monday, November 15, 2021

Sunday afternoon and Monday morning

 I imagine a lot of people would put down an animal that had accidents in their bed.  I am not a lot of people, so the plush blanket is soaking in the washer right now with some Tide, and Biz.  The Biz does a good job in conjunction so I have faith it will work.  

I would have thought that would be the line, myself, but maybe my last years with Ron altered my tolerance.  I do know Torbie got up (not easy for her these days), came and greeted me when I got home.  I'm not going to kill her over it.  

Work: a four hour shift.  An hour and a half in transit, got there early.  Hang out for a while and decompress, then 4 hours of busy.  It was, I can say now, not as busy as I've seen it in the past.  

I guess I have to tell you about the leggings, my motto with the blog I am always 100% honest even if it makes me look bad.  And this might.  

I saw these leggings at work on the $4 rack.  They were very cute.  

Are they slimming?  Not very.  But they are cute and I am not looking for a man.  I got a pair in the 19 because I am that in jeans.  I got home and found out I am a 21 in leggings, not a 19.  Here's the ego.  I wouldn't take them back because that would be a public admission I was too fat for them.  No, I took the tags off and put them in the laundry to wear when I do lose some weight.  Today I got the 21's.  That's $4 I didn't "need" to spend but I did.  Not sorry.  The 19's can go in the skinny box (clothes that are a size down from my current one).  

So I got those, they were nice and small to fit into my bag.  I am sure security watches me with my bag when I shop.  I would.  But I don't steal so that is fine.  

I did have 2 things not great: the timeclock app logged me out when I was trying to clock out.  I tend to get anxious and hand tremory trying to log back in under pressure so I went to personnel to use their computer instead.  And the manager (one of them) told me they are denying my availability request which sucks.  So I guess I will go on as I have.  

About the leggings, Ron used to dumpster dive at the apartment in CA he found some interesting things.  One time he found a whole bag of women's leggings in good condition.  I guess she gained weight?  They fit Ron, he discovered, so he washed them and kept them as long underwear "They are so warm!".  So I can always wear the leggings as a "thermal" layer on cold days if I can't wear the current "long johns".  I have 2 pair thermals that fit (pants) so I will be pretty set when it does chill down.  It's an option.  

It is nice and sunny out, debating do I want to sit out in the sun for a while or take a nap?  I think the nap is going to win.  

Anyway, about the app I decided to try at home, did, took my time and got back in.  So I should be good for another couple weeks now.   

I am a little concerned about my availability but there is nothing I can do right now.  I will wait a couple weeks, do my research on the bus routes at night, and submit another one.  

I slept pretty well; I did wake up with a headache around midnight but took something and went back to bed, slept fine.  No dreams about Ron dying.  It is so early (6:19 AM) even my coffee pot hasn't gone off yet.  I have it on a timer.  

Now last week I ordered some CDM decaf coffee with chicory.  It comes in a freeze dried brick.  I opened it up yesterday and put it in some "extra" cans I keep on hand for things like this.  I put labels on the cans so I won't be saying "What's this?" a week from now.  A review for the coffee said to let the coffee breathe for a day or so before brewing otherwise it would taste "funky".  So I am letting it breathe (in the can, with a lid) and will try it tomorrow.  That is one of those things I might get on subscription if it works out.  

Today's coffee is Community Coffee Decaf (a nice darker roast) with a tablespoon of French Roast that I admit is a little past the best buy date.  I am sure it will still be good.  And it's brewing.  I really like having it on the timer.  My only suggestion with the timer, it "seems" easy to set but you need to read the directions on it, first.  

My cycle is late which would be concerning if I were "active", which I am not.  32 days out is not unreasonable anyway.  Personally I would rather get "it" on my day off and get the worst of it over and done with before I go back to work Wednesday.  I do think I have some water weight associated as well.  

Coffee is almost done brewing that will be nice.  It wasn't hard to switch over from diet soda and SO much easier to bring a bag of coffee in the house vs. a case of soda.  Now I plan to use soda on occasion, keep some around for days I have a migraine, but primary morning drink is coffee, and water when I am done with the coffee.  

I'm going to get those leggings started again in the dryer.  That's it for now!  

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