Sunday, November 28, 2021

Sunday morning

 I didn't plan my time right last night, I didn't have time for a soak cycle on the washer and a regular load.  But I only figured it out after I had started the load.  SO I went to bed later than I would have liked.  I did sleep well.  Just not enough.   The clothes are about half dried but I had something to wear today.  

I have to have pants with good pockets so I can stuff all my tampons and such.  Money for my ride home, keys, etc.  I did tie a piece of yarn to the house key so I won't make that mistake again.  

My plan is to do a little housework when I get home so I can really relax tomorrow.  Tuesday I run errands with my aunt.  We are pretty disgusted with Ron's bank they are being awful about giving me MY money.  Thank God I do not have an emergency.  I will tell you who they are after the check clears.  My bank (a regional one) has been excellent and very helpful.  I am happy to let them handle my business.  

And I put my aunt on both accounts (savings and checking) so she won't have any problem getting my money if I die first (you never know, the way they drive down that street outside my subdivision, I almost got pasted by a big rig running the light yesterday).  And she would find homes for the cats.  I don't plan on going anywhere though.  

I have to say I am pretty happy with Walmart.  They treat me well and I like the people I work with.  Overall there is a culture of respect.  I did not see that at other jobs, including Target.  There was a girl from Target came by and was talking to me about a week or two ago.  She was bragging she makes more money an hour.  I asked her if they give her breaks and lunches.  She said "Well they have to give me the lunch..." but not the breaks.  That is a lack of respect for the worker.  She may be on her period.  She may have a bladder infection or food poisoning.  She may be diabetic and need to eat every few hours.  Her feet hurt and she would like to sit down.  So I will remain a good little Walmart worker bee.  

My schedule looks pretty much the same for the next couple weeks, they are not doing anything crazy with Christmas coming up.  That is a relief.  Sometimes if I have to go in at a new time it's hard to figure out the bus, so I end up getting there really early.  And while I like the store I prefer my home for hanging out.  

A couple of details before I leave  did my God time, got the money for the cab ride home (the last $20 I had in the house but worth it), jacket, etc.  Did my God time and did up some candy for both the drivers and my coworkers.  The candy for the co workers I don't put the Scripture booklet.  "Inclusive" doesn't include the Bible and I have to accept that.  There are other places to witness, and I do talk about how God helped me after Ron's death.  That's as far as I go, and I do try to pray for them as well.  

#6 is up to his old tricks again.  He had a party last night, OK that is fine.  I get it you want to have fun.  Picking up the empty glass bottles and throwing them in the recycle at 6 AM on a weekend?  Not cool.  I was already up but nearly everyone would have been sleeping.  And he has 6 kids make one of THEM pick it up at a reasonable hour if you have to work.  I have never seen those kids doing a single chore except helping their mom carry groceries into the house.  

I think that is a big problem with the younger generation, parents aren't "allowed" to spank, doing chores is "abuse", buy them $500 gaming consoles every year, etc.  No wonder a lot of them are so ungrateful.  Just my take.  I know Ron and I would have spanked our kids and made them do chores if we had them, and we would not have gotten them expensive treats.  You want it, you earn it.  That's how I was raised.  And Ron grew up very poor.  Some kind hearted people would give him things because he was blind (like a transistor radio), but he didn't ask and his parents had a thing about him never, EVER, "begging" for anything.  If someone wants to give you a gift take it graciously but don't beg.  So I think we would have done alright.  

I am pretty sure I had 3 miscarriages when we were together so we will see if I have any kids waiting up in Heaven.  

I need to go.  I will post after work.  

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