Sunday, November 21, 2021

Sunday morning

 Yesterday went fine at work.   I like it busy, that was especially important months ago for the grief process.  I took the bus both ways.  Some notable homeless people including one guy with a bucket of scrap metal who was very slow getting on/off bus, caused me to miss my connection and wait another half hour.  BUT I had a nice cold soda in my bag I had been unable to drink (mask rules plus no eating/drinking on bus anyway that has been a standing policy).  I also had a granola bar so I pushed my mask down and worked on them.  I was very patient for about 20 minutes.  😂  I admit I got a little restless afterward.  But he came and I got going.  

Then the walk home from the bus stop.  There is a guy in my subdivision has ridden the bus for years.  He was on that bus, had a few groceries.  I saw his house one day when I was out for a walk, he came by and went in the house.  It is a very nice house so I assume he lives with family.  At any rate he is no bother and I feel safe around him.  

Got home, there's Torbie.  She was still in my bed looking plush and pampered.  She ate some treats which I found encouraging.  She is still drinking water, her favorite being shower water after I am done.  It is cute to see her lapping it up.  So much better than the water out of the cat bowl!  

I was pretty beat, I had only gotten 4 hours of sleep Friday night and then a long day to/from/at work.  I called my parents.  Mom had a bad reaction to her booster but is fine now.  I ate a few hot dogs and went to bed early.  

Torbie got in my bed so I was very careful of her.  She parked dead center of the bed so not much room for me.  Then Biscuit joined us really no room now.  I probably would have been OK with that but I woke up in the middle of the night with gripping abdominal pains.  I ran to the bathroom and spent about half an hour emptying my gut.  There is nothing left now, some more pain (cramps) but I got it all out whatever it was.  Still have to work.  

So we will see how that goes today.  I am not going to eat anything for now.  I did have a diet Mountain Dew to wake up though.  I didn't get much room between the cats and whatever happened with my belly but feeling better now albeit tired.  

It is interesting to me, there are some very odd people on the one bus route, I believe because they have a homeless outreach center on the route.  So you get a lot of them riding to/from that point, begging on the busy street, etc.  My local bus does not have that problem, I think the homeless are afraid of the neighborhoods.  I am all for helping people but they have a shower facility at the outreach site, use it already.  They give out clothes, and have a clothes washing facility.  Use them.  The guy yesterday with the scrap metal was a white guy, but so dirty he looked black.  There was a notable odor.  I put my hair up every day because I don't want to get lice and bedbugs but that is why so many "normal" people don't want to ride the city bus.  You wouldn't let them NEAR your car, much less in it, but they're sitting behind me on the bus, leaning forward into me and breathing heavily.  And the dude had like 5 knives on his belt.  What the hell?!  

Anyway Torbie wants more treats so I am going to go do that.  That's it for now.  

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