Saturday, March 25, 2023

Very early Saturday

 So Beau comes by my work area every day a few times (on purpose) to say hi, etc. The most he has ever done is touch me on the shoulder, smile a lot, seem interested in my company.  I don't talk about much, work,  the cats, what I might plan to do on my day off.  He has seen me walking out to the bus and that is how I first noticed him, he would always stop his (regular sized and very normal looking older) truck and say hi, etc.  Riding the bus it is pretty common to feel invisible even to the driver.  He is the only employee who has ever done that. 

So anyway he came by my station three times in a couple hour period and the other associates caught him at it.  Maria, a nice older lady, was very upset and scolding him in Spanish.  He is Latino and it is his first language, I believe he is second generation.  He speaks English very close to fluently.  She was talking fast enough I only caught the word "Esposo" which means husband.  Maybe she was telling him I just lost my husband?  I don't know?  I do know the lecture started when she saw us grinning at each other like idiots.  

Another one, also an immigrant, took me aside after he left and said he has a reputation as a player.  I kind of figured that, a little, when I come in days I work later he is with a different woman at lunch every day.  I told her I am not looking to date for at least 3 years, I will not be having sex outside of marriage again, and it is just nice to see him now and then.  She is a huge gossip so I know that will make the rounds.  

But he is making a point of coming by more often now that my boss is not around to shout him away.  I like him, a lot if I am honest, but I am not looking for a serious relationship or even a physical one. If he is OK with that, great. 

Ron left me in a financial situation I don't have to depend on a man for my financial security.  And as far as I know Beau is not saved which makes it a non starter anyway.  For a lot of intents and purposes Ron was not saved in many ways and it caused me a lot of grief. I am not looking for that again. 

And I tell God I want HIM to be first in my life, not a man, not any man. And I mean it. But it is nice to see Beau go out of his way to come by and say hello. 

So yesterday my friend's husband brought me a large cup of coffee in addition to the six pack of Diet Dews I had already had; you can imagine how I slept last night.  But I'm up now at 4:30, might as well make a day of it.  I plan to finish online, take a shower (don't need to wash my hair I did yesterday), do my God Time, take the bus when it's light out and go to the grocery store with the meat mark downs.  I am addicted to at least looking in that bin every time I go.  I can also use some more power greens (chard, kale, spinach). 

I have some chicken stock I made but not a whole lot of it, so yesterday I bought a quart of bone broth, and I will put those together and add a ton of delicious veggies and make a nice big veggie soup.  My friend (the gossip) is very interested in trying some of my veggie stir fry so I plan to make her one and then one for me with meat in it. I also want to buy more keto bread and some Wowbutter (soybean imitation peanut butter that tastes a lot better than you'd think) and make some sandwiches for this upcoming week. I might put a small amount of pasta in it we will see. 

I used to make a chicken soup once a week when we had the deli and it was VERY popular.  I enjoy cooking for other people now and then, I do miss that about being married, but have no desire to do that for a living again. 

I got some salad dressing from Wish Bone it is an olive oil blend (olive oil first ingredient in the oil blend so I am happy and not expensive) it is a basil flavor and not bad.  What I like I don't need as much of it as I did with the ranch, so it lasts a lot longer and fewer calories for me.  The bottle fits in my lunch bag. 

I am back to trying to cram as many vegetables in my lunch as possible.  I just feel better eating that way.  Yesterday I had a 3 cup dark green salad and a guava.  When I bring a stir fry I have all those veggies plus the salad.  Oh, and I also had a 12 ounce can of V8.  So that was 5 vegetables. 

I plan to get more stir fry veggies today and some soup veggies.  Years ago they used to have a soup veggie mix with cut up okra in it and I liked it a lot.  I will see if they still have it.  If not I will find something else.  I'm only going to use vegetables I like in the soup.  

I will see what else they have in the meat bin and on special and take it from there. I will be working a lot next week and I have found it is great to have a cooked meal and some snacks all ready to go every day. I especially like the V8 that is good with a salad and gets me well over the top on my daily vegetables.  My nutrition tracker is very happy with it too. 

Biscuit is up on the couch next to me grooming himself.  That's it for now!  


Anonymous said...

My husband is Hispanic and I worked for many years with lots of immigrants. Understand, no matter what they tell you, those women are intervening on Beau's behalf. It is cultural. They may roll their eyes at his antics, but they will protect him.

Be cautious what you say and do at work in general. "Grinning at each other like idiots" is juvenile and inappropriate.

Heather Knits said...

What I don't get is why he isn't already married. In my experience Latinos tend to pair up and marry young. He is a little younger than me but still in his 40's.

Like I said I don't know what Maria said but I could clearly tell she was mad AT him. But I am not looking for anything right now certainly not anything physical so I am sure what I said will make it's way back to him. If he has a problem with that he will stop coming around.

Anonymous said...

TMI to your co-workers. I mean seriously can you try and not tell people everything?

Heather Knits said...

What that I said I wasn't having sex until marriage? I had a couple of coworkers telling me I needed to self pleasure until I found myself a man and then they started to tell me about toys. There are not many secrets at the Walmart let me tell you.

Saying "I am not having sex until/if I remarry and I don't plan to do that for years" is NOTHING.

I have also talked a couple times about the troubles I had being a common law after Ron's accident and how I had to literally beg Ron's dad for his life (to sign consent form for lifesaving surgery). People need to know things like that.

Heather Knits said...

A couple days ago a coworker sat down next to me and said "I am still so sore after my abortion" WHAT is it about my face that says I want to hear these things. I couldn't help but pity the poor baby she was 4 months along.

Anonymous said...

They say those things (self pleasure, toys...) to you because you allow it. You should consider presenting yourself as a self-respecting, mature woman. Your coworkers would treat you better and management would never have a problem with you.

Heather Knits said...

What are you smoking? LOL I am posting that just for the humor.

I bet you say battered women and rape victims were "asking for it" like all those assholes who wanted to know "what did you do" (to "provoke" him) when Ron beat me up in 2007.

Regarding the sex toy conversation I told them I had "Asked God to take my sex drive unless and until I remarried" and that He had. And that finished it.