Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Tues AM

 Ugh.  I woke up with "Precious and Few" running through my head.  I have been asking God to take this interest? from me. 

I feel like life was simpler before I met this guy; but I don't want to cut myself off from someone God may legitimately want in my life. But DOES He?  I don't know I am asking for obvious signs.  

On a completely unrelated note the cats need some Advantage so I need to call the vet. I like the Advantage 2 for them.  But Cleo and Spotty lick each other a lot (that sounds wrong) so I will have to separate them when I do it; lock someone in Ron's room for a while. 

Beau comes by on a pretense of wanting candy so I am going to make him his own bag,with both a Spanish and English Scripture booklet, today.  In case I didn't say it he is Latino and English is clearly his second language although he is near fluent.  I think the majority of people in his life speak Spanish so he is just more proficient at it. It is a little risky handing out material at work but I think worth the risk, and if confronted by management I will say I mixed up the candy, I gave him a bus driver candy by accident. 

Of course he may take one look at the booklets and run like hell but I will know then, won't I?  Life was simpler a month ago. 

But I do miss having companionship, someone to take care of and talk to on a break or lunch... Biscuit has taken over my chair again


Anonymous said...

"But I do miss having companionship, someone to take care of and talk to on a break or lunch..."

And there lies your problem you want someone to take care of. You don't need to be a caregiver again.

Heather Knits said...

I don't miss caregiving I miss having a male companion (and not just for sex that hasn't happened in a LONG time). Someone to smile at me and put an arm around me, etc.

I am starting to see why (the Apostle) Paul said it was better to marry than burn, he didn't just mean sexual passion.