Sunday, March 5, 2023


I'm not manic; mood has been surprisingly level.  I swept, mopped, and did some organizing.  I also cleaned a baseboard here and there. I really like my "Better Life" cleaner I will probably buy more (from Amazon) when it's out. But it lasts a long time.  

I also treated the perimeter of the house with insecticide so I don't get any more ants or nasties. I don't like using pesticides but I find them necessary. The neighbors were gone so I was able to go treat the side of my house (which is the property line, don't do it).  If they look on their ring it is just me sprinkling stuff out of a bag obviously doing what I did.  I wasn't wearing a bra though...

So the house smells nice, I like the lavender floor cleaner. The cats are good. Spotty freaked out though, he was in Ron's window looking out when I came by outside doing my pesticide. He took one look at me, eyes wide,and bolted! I got over to the sliding glass door in my room and Biscuit was looking out, he saw me and bolted as well. I guess they are used to the yard man. 

By the way my backyard is a fantastic tangle of weeds. I really need the yard man!  He will come, though.  I need to get some Gatorades and have them in the fridge.  They won't take money but they do appreciate a cold drink. 

Floors should be dry, I need to go organize my chemicals in the bathroom. Floor's still wet but I got this: 

 I really like that shot of Cleo.  And the blanket compliments her fur.  

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