Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Tuesday morning

 I thought I might clear up something in the very early morning before I go to work. 

Well, two things.  I "caught" Beau in the breakroom talking to another woman.  😂  So I don't have to worry about a marriage proposal any time soon. If we have anything at all it is a very light flirtation and I hope he finds someone really wonderful, he seems like a very kind man and I wish him well. 

Second, that is about all I am interested in right now, very light interactions with men. Nothing serious.  No touching beyond maybe a pat on the shoulder.  That is all, just a little talking. I do have a habit of calling various male co workers "Baby" and "Honey" which they seem to love, though. 

I did not sleep well last night. Biscuit and Spotty were in the bed, though, which was nice. They are good babies. 

But now I'm going back to yesterday for a minute. I was OK for most of it just a little sad missing him. I have always been clear in my grief: I am sad for myself missing him.  I am not sorry for him, Revelation 21:4 "No more pain, fear, sorrow, He wipes all the tears away".  Ron asked me once why we would cry in Heaven and I said I was sure they must be happy tears. But Ron is better than ever; I'm just stuck down here trying to make a living and do God's will before He calls me, too.  So I had that.  

Work itself was fine, not too busy, not too slow. I am a little aggravated by two things, one,another department dumping stuff on me; and another low priority thing I will ask my supervisor about today if I get a chance. Maybe I just don't understand the policy. But that's not bad.  

Today of course I get to ride the bus home so hopefully that will be uneventful. I am leery of the homeless most of them are alcoholics and bipolar which is a very bad combination,especially for the middle aged white guys who are pretty volatile. I don't envy the bus drivers one bit; that's a hard way to make a living.  

I wonder what happened to Rudy?  I guess he is on a crosstown route on the other side of town.  😂  I hope he enjoys it. But I am in a committed relationship with Biscuit. 

I need to eat and take my shower.  

All done with that. 

I got a letter from an "Eric" and I thought it might have been Eric from Rapture Ready, he actually came to the house a few times, saw Ron in a drunken blackout, etc.  He sent me a very nice note after Ron's death.  And I wondered why he would be writing, opened it up and it is from a JW.  So I threw that out. 

But Eric is one of the few people living, aside from some police officers, who saw Ron like that.  Bad times!  Sorry he had to see that but he was in the Navy and said he saw plenty of guys like that during his service.  

Almost time for work.  I am feeling bloated from my cheats and have a nice, low carb, lunch and snack for me today. That's it for now.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just because a man talks to you does not mean he's "interested" in being anything more than a friend. Same goes for a woman that talks to men. Just because she is talking to you doesn't mean she like - likes you. A little creepy you call the men baby and honey. Just sayin.