Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Tuesday afternoon

 I did OK once I got moving. I went out to the bus stop and gave some candy to one of the landscape guys; he was the weedwhacker man. The lawnmower guy had a huge mower with decks going out on either side no way to safely give him anything. 

I went to the first store and handed out candy to everyone, did not see good meat deals but I have plenty. And I just remembered I forgot the lunch meat. I went to the second store. On the way I got on a bus that had tracts everywhere on the seats. I thought it was great. I took one, they are nice and Biblical. I didn't see the person who did it. 

I got to the second store. I forgot the lollipops but I did get 10 pounds of the other candy so I should be fine. The "loss leader" value hot dogs had been knocked down to 33 cents a package. And they are pretty good. And I bought a little drink mix. 

I went home on the bus, that was my last bag of candy. Two insolent young men were at the grocery store bus stop. One was lounging on the bus bench in such a way I could not sit down.  I didn't say anything.  They were dressed in expensive hoodies, baggy pants,and sneakers. Probably a thousand dollars an outfit, looking for trouble.  

Now a real, pardon my term, ghetto rat I do not worry about.  I encountered many of them and they either avoided me or were respectful when I was doing my evangelism work.  They were more likely to bring me a cold bottle of Sprite from the convenience store. I once had a carload of guys dressed in solid red (gang colors), smoking blunts (marijuana) clamoring for Bibles one time. But these guys put up my hackles. 

So when they got off at my stop I made a big point of fiddling with my shoelaces, adjusting items in my cart, etc. until they got bored and wandered off.  Then I followed them at a safe distance until they were well away from my home. 

Then I went in. 

I put up my stuff and took a nap with Biscuit and Spotty. Spot man came for a while, left, came back. The weather was moody and overcast, dark grey clouds and a wind that had played hell with my hair. And we are supposed to have a rain front come the day I have jury duty.  I have to walk some distance to get there both to my bus stop at home and from the destination but stop to the location. I will be bringing my rain coat and also wear my weatherproof shoes. 

I have a pretty moderate headache right now but I at least got the laundry going and the trash put out. 

That's it for now. 

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