Sunday, March 5, 2023

Sunday morning

 I did not sleep well and woke up with a headache.  But I did sleep with the cats and when I woke up the crock-pot smelled good.  I just finished some of my beef stew. It is kind of runny because I did not add potatoes but it tastes good and is pretty low carb. I just put a few handfuls of sliced carrots in it.  

When I did laundry the other night I forgot to wash my vest, so I am doing that this morning. I also decided to wear my ooh-la-la underwear I bought myself with one of my gift cards on Amazon, see how it works before I wear it to work. It is very cute.  

I don't do thongs, by the way.  I think all the young girls love those but I'm not young.  I have a history of bladder infections.  And I don't like things in my crack. 

I also decided to use one particular pot for boiling my menstrual cups as I would NOT want to eat food prepared in a pot that boiled someone else's cup!  But my house is such a mess no one wants to eat here anyway. 

I didn't get a cycle so I am just going to wear the cup every day, wash it out, change it for other cups every week or so (I have 2 cups I plan to rotate one OFF one ON), boil the cup every week, wash it every day when I take it out, for a year. And then a year to the day after my last cycle I will stop.  

But my birth mother would go months without a cycle and then BAM so I feel I need something in there to catch it and a good cup does not irritate or cause infection especially the way I plan to care for it. 

Enough on that. 

I plan to do some cleaning today. I don't really need to do any cooking as I have to eat up my beef stew.  I couldn't fit an ice cube in my freezer right now it is great. 

I got 3 kinds of candy yesterday.  I got the Pinata Mix that comes in a big blue bag.  My boss loves the lollipops in there,everyone enjoys eating the candy. So that's a staple.  I also got the Canel mix because Canel used to make a "Pinatero" mix I handed out probably a couple hundred pounds of that.  I would buy it every time we went to Sam's Club and I let my membership lapse just because it is too hard to get there now (and money). It has a nice variety of things like bubble gum, "now and later" type candies, lollipops.  So Pinata mix and Canel mix.  Then I saw Canel had come out with lollipops in assorted fruit flavors.  100 for $2. So I bought that and tried one this morning, it was very good. So I feel good about handing those out. 

I don't see the caramel mix anymore but it is too hot for that now anyway. The stuff I got is robust and can take summer heat and humidity.  

I let Cleo have a little of my beef stew she loved it.  She loves beef, very unusual for a cat.  Bubba liked beef he's the only other one I had. 

I am OK with tomorrow being the anniversary of Ron's death.  I know one lady on Facebook who had a very hard time with every anniversary (32 months, etc.) of her son's death but the first year was bad for me and that was about it. Maybe because Ron was worn out and ready to go vs. young and in the prime of life. 

I did budget for a ride home I figured I deserved that.  That's it for now. 

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