Sunday, March 26, 2023

Sunday morning

 I slept OK but woke up with a headache around 7:30. I was disoriented and thought it was Monday, ran around the house like a crazy woman for a minute until it sunk in. 

I took some Excedrin and went back to bed. I got up about a half hour later, took a shower, cleaned the bathroom.  Last night I started an inspirational romance novel. I have not read them in a long while. 

One because it is always a widowed mother with kids. I can't relate to that.  I don't care that they all weigh 90 pounds in the book unless they make a big point of having a "fattie" heroine at maybe a size 12. And the whole book she is thinking how she is fat. I don't like that.  I don't necessarily want a fat heroine but if she is bigger make her OK with her weight.  

Second because I really thought I had a fairytale romance.  Beauty and the Beast meets Cinderella, where was MY happily ever after?  Instead I was married to a wife beating,verbally abusive barracho (drunk).  So I lost my taste.  

I had some in the garage and I took them out to take to jury duty in case I had an issue with the tablet.  So I read half of one last night and the other half this morning.  

Last night I made a beef stir fry. I was very happy with it as the vegetables were cooked,but still crisp.  I had a line of containers with various veggies and threw them in the wok depending on how long I thought they'd take. And I guessed right; it was good. 

I will be making a tofu stir fry tonight to use up the last of the tofu and also for a friend who doesn't eat anything but poultry and shrimp. I'll get half, she'll get the other half.  I marinated the tofu last night. 

I also set up a beef stew in the crock pot and that turned out very well. I had some of that for breakfast.  I didn't put any veggies,just onion,garlic, spices, broth. It was delicious.  I look forward to finishing it. 

I also cleaned Spotty's window.  I have never cleaned the windows in my house.  But I noticed Spotty likes to hang out in Ron's room, it is really Spotty's room now. He sits in the window, goes from the bed to the table to the window and looks out all day. But the window was really dirty.  So I cleaned it enough he has a good view no matter where he sits in the window.  

My tree in the backyard has a limb hanging down to the ground I will have to address that at some point.  I don't go in my backyard much but it is a nice big yard. 

I heard the puppy this morning again and just now saw some guy carrying two puppies up to #6's door so not sure what that is. And they were pit bull puppies. Why does everyone want a pit bull?  

I knew a guy at work had a cat, and a couple of pit bulls "They all got along great" until one day they didn't.  It was awful they killed the cat.  If I got a dog I would probably get a medium sized mutt BUT I am not home enough, it would not be fair to the dog.  I feel like I'm not here enough for the cats.  And I don't make enough money. 

I am happy with my cleaning routine but part of me feels like I need to have a "do X on this day" schedule or I will slip and the house will look like a mess again.  

When the laundry finishes the soak cycle I will take a nap.  That's it for now.  

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