Sunday, March 5, 2023

Sunday night

 Well my hands are dry and look about 70 years old but I got the cleaning, mopping, and dishes done. My days off suck the next couple weeks; I get next Saturday, a Thursday the next week; next 2 days together are the 21 and 22.  That's just ICK.  

But I don't complain about the schedule, out of here.  I am glad I have the job and the money coming in. I never want to take that for granted, and I basically said "Walmart, I'll be your bitch if you hire me" in my cover letter and during the interview.  So I can't/don't complain.  

So I did most of my grocery shopping yesterday, along with some cooking.  Then the cleaning and laundry doing everything I can to make life easier for myself.  

It is hard enough managing all this for one person, much less two, and I really don't see how single parents do it either.  

I thought I was OK with the anniversary of Ron's death coming up but feeling more and more depressed as it approaches.  My aunt is very busy getting ready to move again/grandkids/husband and her phone kept going to voicemail on the first ring so that was out, Mom and Dad could talk for a while but not really into it, I could tell. 

And what do you say to someone like me?  I'm sorry he's still dead, and you went through all that,I guess. I took my shower tonight so I don't have to mess with it tomorrow morning. 

I didn't have much caffeine so hopefully I will sleep OK tonight, if that's possible. 

That's it for now. 


Anonymous said...

I hope your aunt is moving closer to you.

Heather Knits said...

She is basically moving across town where she is, which is hundreds of miles away. But all the grand kids, kids, sons and daughters in law (very fond of them) are all there so I can't feel bad about it.