Saturday, March 25, 2023

I have decided to take the "Only functional crackhead" approach to the Diet Dew

 Ron and I used to ride paratransit everywhere and most of our drivers were contracted cab drivers.  One day we were talking about God to the driver and he said he had been a crackhead about 20 years back.  He said he would drive the cab all day, stop by his dealer, buy the crack, be up half the night smoking it, and then back to work.  He called himself "The only functional crackhead" in Houston.  He went on like this for some time, he said.  

He went to God with the addiction and threw himself at the throne basically begging for help.  God told him "Stop buying it".  "But I'll go into withdrawal"  "Stop buying it" so that night he took a different route home and did not buy any, ate his dinner and went to bed, slept great.  Never had a speck of trouble kicking it, he just stopped buying it and went on to lead a productive life.  

So I have asked God for help with the diet Dew addiction and He led me to that story.  I have been buying a six pack (16.9 ounces) of them every day before work and drinking them. So I will stop buying them. It won't be easy.  I can use prayer on that.  

Anyway that's it.  

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