Friday, December 31, 2021


 I can't talk about work; I was ordered not to, by my manager.  

I can talk about my ride to work, notable on a couple of accounts.  I left the house, 2 other people at the bus stop - notable.  There was a guy who kept blowing his nose into a rag and then he wiped his hands on the rag as he stuffed it into a pocket.  YUCK.  

The bus driver didn't want to let me off at the light said she had a "better" way for me to get across the street and catch the other bus.  I said no thank you but I had to be very assertive in asking to get off.  

I caught the bus I needed to make my connection.  There was a mentally unstable guy got on, he was staggering like he was drunk and very, very, manic.  We got to the transit center.  

I waited at the wrong stop but figured it out, got over to the correct bus stop.  Then I saw manic guy was on the bus, he got very agitated when I gave the driver her candy and wanted some of his own, I told him I was out and ignored further attempts at communication.  We are driving down the road when BOOM the driver screams and there is a man in front of the bus in the middle of the street.  He had literally jumped out in front of her.  She gestured at him (like "Move along") and he started making throwing motions at her and screaming incoherently.  She got around him and the manic guy kept raving and ranting it was just miserable.  

Then I got to work and that was a sucky day.  I am fine, no one was awful to me.  No one got hurt as far as I know.  But I did not do my usual job.  And I was ordered by the boss not to discuss what I do know online.  But really I am woefully ignorant.  I don't know anything to tell.  

I want a boring life and sometimes I wonder if I will ever get it.  The cats are hiding under the bed waiting for the fireworks to end.  That's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

As a shopper, I'd be leery of a business like that. What do they have to hide? Not asking you to tell though.

Heather Knits said...

The official tag line on Facebook web page we closed the store to restock and clean. I never got a clear answer from management I have my own theories of course.

I will say I am making sure I am taking all my vitamins, getting enough sleep, not stressing if at all possible, limiting sugar intake (hell on immune system), and washing hands/body frequently. I also wear a mask whenever I go to work (have to anyway but I would if they removed the requirement).

Anonymous said...

Hmm my local Walmart also closed for a few days recently to "clean".

Heather Knits said...

Take your Vitamin C and D! Zinc! Etc.