Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Tuesday morning

 I did an experiment yesterday.  I ate some Cracklin' Oat Bran.  One of my associates likes to bring some, dry, in a bag for a snack which makes really good sense.  But I recall having a headache issue so I had to wait for a day off to try it.  I did, unfortunately, complicate matters by eating some Queso chips which seem to be OK in small amounts (I did not need to know that).  I did wake with a mild headache but I will repeat the experiment with just the cereal and see how that goes.  

My midsection is somewhat bloated.  I am eating carbohydrate so I assume that is part of it.  I am sure I could slim it down in no time if I went low carb again; but time and again I have proven I can't do low carb long term, moderate carb with an occasional indulgence works better for me.  Then I can get right back on plan.  

I don't plan to buy more Queso chips those things are addictive.  In the meantime I am still down around 207 so I am happy with that.  I was 244 last year and significantly bigger hip and waist measurements.  So I hang onto that.  

And looking at women at work (customers and some employees) my age and up, they all have a big belly, smaller hips and bust.  So this is pretty typical.  And I don't want hormones.  I will just have to adapt.  

I remember one time I lost weight back in 2008 I think, one guy at work said "You went from a 2 liter bottle to a Coke bottle (figure)".  I took it as a compliment, smiled and thanked him even though some might have considered that offensive.  

I am not looking for a man.  If I do lose more weight and get more sexy that does not mean anything, I can say NO just as easily then as I can now, even though no one has made a pass.  I think the wedding ring helps a lot with that.  Plus everyone knows Ron JUST died.  

It is really strange typing that out "Ron died".  But he did.  Just like that.  And if you look at the "Confusion" post I wrote the day Ron died, while he was actually dead in the next room and I didn't know it yet, I wrote that I would probably not grow old due to the heart issues in my family.  So far the only heart issue I have had is actually losing Ron.  

I forget if I related this already but the other day I had to run quite a bit to catch a bus, did, and not out of breath either.  So I am getting in shape all that walking to/from bus stop.  

I will say happily I only work 4 days coming up, Thursday-Sunday and 2 of them short days.  I will take it!  I need some money but I would much rather work 4 days as opposed to 6 like I just did.  The work week starts on Saturday and goes to Friday so I'm only "working" 5 days a week, but every other week I work 6 days in a row.  I am not in overtime range unless 😂 you count my time on the bus.  

So I took a little break, did my shower, finished the laundry, got snot all over my towel when I was drying my face (nose ran unexpectedly), so I have to wash my towels now.  I decided to pack up Dad's stuff, I have 5 items.  

I don't have a good sense of how the items will fit in the box so I will need 2 boxes.  Anyway I sat down with my tape, boxes, tissue paper and of course the bubble wrap.  And about 1/3 into it the tape broke, got stuck, got it going again but it got messed up again and short story is irredeemable.  So that means I can't finish packing today.  

But that's OK I have 2 guys who would be happy to take me to the Post Office.  That sounds funny, two happily married friends.  So I can get the packages there when I'm ready, but it's not happening today.  

I have to think it is an evangelism thing.  The person I am meant to reach out to was not working today.  This kind of thing does happen on occasion usually with buses so I have learned to take it in stride.  

Anyway so that's done.  Did some Bible study and hung out with Biscuit for a while.  Torbie has gotten her appetite back including for treats.  I want to fatten her up again but I have to be careful of Biscuit as he IS on a special diet.  But she is eating treats normally, begging for them even which is all really positive.  

I feel really good about Torbie now and can stop wondering if my ancient shovel is adequate to dig her grave.  

I am wearing my new wool socks, the blue ones, matching blue t-shirt, and black sweats decorated with cat hair.  😂  I am thinking to put my mauve hoodie with it if I do go out with my aunt.   It is chilly out, and overcast.  Very depressing although my mood is OK.  

That's it for now.  

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