Friday, December 10, 2021

Friday morning

 My electric company recently did a big change up new account numbers for everyone.  As a result the bill pay at my Walmart has had a lot of difficulty processing payments.  Including yesterday.  

However I was able to pay the bill online just now I was very happy about that.  I thought I might have to switch to another company and that is sad because I am sure the company wanted to make it better for the end user.   I had the money to pay, it's only $55.  So that's covered and a load off.  

That also means I don't have to leave early today like I did yesterday.  Also nice.  I got my shower, I noticed my ends are really dry so I did some conditioner today and not just the 2-in-1 shampoo.  We'll see how my hair looks when it dries.  I never paid much attention to shampoo other than: does it get my hair clean?  Is it cheap?  So probably not the highest quality stuff there.  I have very oily hair so I wash every day, especially as I am outside in the weather for a couple hours a day when I work.  

And I already lined up my ride home tonight.  So that's good.  One associate in my area called in sick last night, I suspect she had a reaction to the shingles vax.  Everyone I know who had the shot was really sick for a couple of days afterward.  It doesn't seem worth it to me, but it's an individual choice.  I may feel different 10-20 years from now.  I did the COVID vax to appease my very worried family, I intend to get a tetanus booster when I get medical coverage again, but that's it.  But if vaccines keep getting you sick (she has had problems with everything) why keep getting them?  You are doing the thing you're trying to avoid: getting sick.  

We had a big power outage just now, for some time.  I concluded the traffic light I normally use would be out so I opted for a ride to work.  I can do it, my utility bills were about half what I budget.  I don't have a lot of wiggle room but I can squeeze that out.  And Jack was happy to come at 1.  

I could have ridden the bus down to the other light some distance away and crossed there but I just didn't want to do that.  I have a basic policy on rides to work: if a cold front storm is imminent, or actively raining when I need to leave I will take a ride to work.  Same with the traffic light, if I know it's out it is just easier to grab a ride.  I think Ron would be happy with how I'm handling my money.  

Oh, and I figured out an answer to the lotion problem.  If I use a lotion when depressed I associate it with depression?  I have some hemp oil coconut lotion I bought last year.  I will just use that when depressed as coconut has no strong influence on me.  And the hemp oil lotion has some good stuff in it.  

I don't know what to do with myself, I got up at 7 and I'm not leaving the house until 1.  I may watch some TV.  I don't even know what's on at this hour on Fridays.  

I did my God Time so I may hit the prayer notebook I could stand to do that.  Anyway, that's it for now.  Not likely to do an evening post as I will have to go straight to bed when I get home.  

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