Monday, December 27, 2021

Monday and finally a little energy

 I slept great last night, got up and did all my God Time I am happy about that.  I also rearranged my work bag and put my Waterproof Bible in a more accessible area so I can read it on break/lunch.  I could even keep it in my  

I do need to get an eye exam sometime soon.  Fine print is getting a little too fine.  But I am middle aged and that's to be expected.  I am about a +7 on a bifocal at the strongest part.  Probably need to go up to +8.  

I had the oddest little cycle, too, just a few days of very light spotting and apparently I am done for another three and a half weeks, if not longer.  So that was a new experience.  Maybe I can stop taking the iron pills.  

I do need to go through my pill box and get more supplements the next time I go to the store.  Which will likely be tomorrow.  

I have gotten some of my housework done: one load of laundry in the wash, and cleaned the 3 litter boxes, added some baking soda as it absorbs odor and does not smell.  I like a highly scented litter but thinking the cats probably do not.  I'm going to spray some more air freshener while I am thinking about it.  

I did have something funny happen while I was cleaning up.  I had put all the trash in one of the Amazon paper bags because the cats are bored with them, so I had random trash and then bagged up cat waste.  I was/am wearing my navy blue nightgown, it is mid calf, very loose , high neckline, the kind I can wear around my family.  I figured it was modest enough for a trip to the trash can as it covers more than I generally wear during the summer.  And of course I open the door, step out, there is #6 getting in the minivan, got a good look, and then some guy in a pumped up pickup truck that probably cost more than my house, but I got the trash out, came in and washed my hands.  When the towels finish in the wash I'm going to take a nap (sleep is vital to the immune system!), sweep and mop the house, and then shower.  Then I will do a load of clothes with the nightgown in it.  I don't like to shower before I sweep and mop because I can get sweaty and then you have the dirty water and dust flying around.  I finally have some energy today so I want to put it to good use.  

My house was pretty messy the last couple times my aunt came by and then the litter box was not fresh, pretty sure it reeked so I would like tomorrow to be a nicer visit for her.  Of course she didn't say anything she is very kind.  

I think I am going to go hunt up probiotics.  I got some from Swanson, along with some nice looking soap.  I have found I like Dr Bronners the best as they have a good lather and fragrance which is important to me.  He used to write weird crap all over the wrapper which I found off putting but since his death his kids have modified that greatly, but still kept the nice bar of soap.  So I have 2 months of probiotics coming, the soap, some Vitamin C (a small bottle to keep in my vest at work), they are having a huge sale.  I got enough to get free shipping but not enough to freak me out.  And I was prepared to spend "about" $20 on probiotics, I spent $25 for two bottles plus a 2 month supply of prebiotics to help them out.  And a pound of powdered vitamin C that is a bargain, I have been stingy with my supply but now I can be more generous.  I am a huge fan of Vitamin C.  Nice soap is always wonderful because so many times I have a terrible time mustering the energy for a good shower, a nice bar of soap is motivating for me.  It is also a consumable.  That should hold me for months to come now.  

I am almost done with the towels (someone got sick on one of the towels I use on the couch which is exactly why I have the towels), I run a soak, did a regular cycle (towels were pretty bad especially the one I use as a tub mat, and the puke towel), then did an extra rinse with some vinegar.  That is lifechanging and really makes for a much better and more absorbent towel.  I don't use a vinegar rinse on other clothes.  I normally do not use fabric softener but I think I will this time as I have the pet hair repellent dryer sheets, and like I said the towels go on the couches where the cats sleep.  Then I just have a load of regular clothes and the infamous nightgown to go in the next load.  

And the towels are done so I'm going to go take a nap.    That didn't work, and I had to pay the property taxes so I did that instead of mopping.  I follow the "un f!ck your habitat" page and she said marathon cleaning sessions are not a good idea anyway.  

So I am out approximately $1,400.  Some of the billers had nice perforations on the bill to tear it off and mail, most did not which required me getting the scissors.  Harris County had the prettiest bill with a full color letterhead.  Did not have perforations though.  Did have a huge arrow pointing at the total owed so some props for that.  I had 4 bills total including HOA.  HOA wasn't bad though considering.  So that's all done.  I stapled "my copies" together with check number written down to give to my aunt.  She helps with budgeting and stuff.  I don't like admitting I need help but I do, sometimes.  Especially with bill paying.  Not the money but remembering to pay it and doing it accurately.  

That's it for now.  

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