Saturday, January 1, 2022

Saturday morning

 My neighbors really seemed to lean into the New Year thing this year.  We had insane fireworks/cracker display escalation around midnight.  I also had random people whooping, loud music, etc.  I went to bed a little after midnight.  

Since I was up anyway I checked my schedule and they gave me another day off in addition to the ones I requested in a couple of weeks, that will be nice.  I only got about 5 hours of sleep last night so of course all I want to do right now is sleep.  

Happily I do not have a headache...ooh that would have made me mad.  #6 put their dog out at 6:30 in the morning and it is barking furiously.  Right by my bedroom wall.  I know he goes to work early but there has got to be a better way to toilet the dog than putting her(?) out that early.  

I guess I will have to go to bed early on the days I want to sleep in.  Happily, due to his sleep schedule I can get to bed early, he goes to bed early too.  He has one kid over 18, presumably in college, one about to graduate high school, 4 younger kids, a big truck with payments, her new minivan, etc.  Plus I believe he is self employed and you always work way harder at that than you do working for someone else.  

I am glad I called my cab driving buddy.  I would be out on the bus right now if I hadn't.  And I hate riding the bus in the early morning, it is hard for them to see me and they are not expecting me as my schedule always changes.  I'm not complaining, it's just easier to take the cab, especially when you consider I work until 10 PM the night before and then have to turn around and clock in at 9 AM the next day.  God willing I will also take the cab tomorrow morning especially as I work 7.5 hours.  Well 6.5 after my lunch.  It has been a really long work week.  

I should get paid on Wednesday, though, if my calculations are correct.  Monday I will also sit down and work out a feasible budget.  I need to cover the bills, put some in savings, etc.  I am a a little concerned as well because my bank is cutting hours and also limiting the amount of cash back on each transaction.  Like anyone I want free access to my money.  

Last night I sprayed my hair with the Mane and Tail leave in conditioner/hair strengthener.  It has a very strong cherry cough syrup smell but seems to help.  I like what it did, my hair is not 100% but it is not all dry and frizzy at the ends, either.  I did not need to wash it this morning, especially as I am not going to be standing out in the weather at the bus stop on my way to work.  That also saves me a shower before work; so I will take mine after.  

I need to get dressed,  All done and did my Bible study (will pray later).  Fifteen minutes early, that's how I roll.  

That's it for now.  

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