Thursday, December 30, 2021

My hair looked OK yesterday

 So I can keep using the shampoo.  But I did wake up with a bad headache today.  Work was pretty slow last night.  But I did the whole 9 hours and earned $100 I think after taxes.  

I think it was the pistachios or maybe the moon pie.  I will see, I'll have to do some experimenting.  I do like having the trail mix on hand that is very useful on my break.  I do wash my hands before eating it though.  

So I work 8 hours tonight and tomorrow, then 4 hours Saturday and almost 8 on Sunday.  I will have to arrange rides every day for various reasons, working late, working early - I don't like catching the bus in the dark, it is too easy for them to miss me.  I am very proud of my record never having been late to work.  I called out with a migraine once but that was it.  And they finally get I can only work until 10 so I don't have any problems leaving at 10 anymore.  I really do feel like they work with me.  I am getting a decent amount of hours, enough to live on.  

That is one thing I am going to do for new year.  Well I plan to start next week; set up a formal budget and stick to it.  Say budget $100 for transportation, if I don't use it I can put it in savings or even put half in savings and then use the other half to get myself something.  My utilities have happily been very low so far.  It has been a mild winter so far and that helps.  My heater is running right now but has not run very often.  I am probably using more gas for my hot water heater.  So do that because for the last year I have not really had a budget.  Yes, I have been putting the $250 in savings every pay period when able.  I need to keep doing that as my home expenses (taxes, insurance) are about $5K a year.  If I put $250 a pay period then I will also have an extra thousand for expenses.  And things come up.  And a grocery budget, incidentals, I am not doing that and I need to have something formal "I can only spend $X" 

I will get it.  Also next week I need to pay the water bill again.  And next week the other utility bills will come in, I can pay the electric over the internet and I may look into doing the gas as well, as the bill pay system was down at work yesterday.  I pay the water over the phone.  Internet is an auto pay, as is my cell phone.  God knows I use it all.  

I am going to take my shower, feeling better now.  I had a lemon pie.   

Done with the shower and I can face the idea of work.  That's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

Blood levels are not indicitive of the amount of needed magnesium. Most people are actually low of what they need, causing spasms. This can be muscles or even headaches. Maybe do some research on that instead of blaming every food item.

Heather Knits said...

Food is a very clear migraine trigger for me. For other family, it is fake sweetener, or weather changes.