Friday, December 3, 2021

Friday morning

 Work was OK.  One of my associates, normally a fairly negative person, was even worse than usual, in a very bad mood snapping at me and trying to boss me around.  I can tolerate some of that to an extent but when you're telling me not to do the job I was hired for we have a problem.  She is not a supervisor.  I told her that and she backed off.  I hate to do it but sometimes you have to set boundaries with people.  She knew she was wrong to ask me to do it.  

And that's the thing, she doesn't have a bad life.  She has a husband, kids, grandkids, a nice house with (as she told me) a 7 foot tree in the living room (with cathedral ceilings so it must be a nice house).  She gets to work with her husband (different departments) they have the same schedule even.  She hasn't lost anyone in her life and her husband appears devoted.  So why all the anger all the time?  Is it just that time of her life?  Her natural personality?  I don't know but it gets OLD.  I am a WIDOW nearly lost my home this year just trying to pay the bills and I always come in with a smile.  I almost lost my favorite cat last month but you didn't see me lashing out at anyone.  I don't get it.  Hopefully she will be better tonight.  

And that's the thing, none of us are irreplacable.  Walmart can replace any one of us in a week.  We are not the wheels on the machine, at best we are a bearing, in the wheel.  It might run a little rougher without us but it will still run.  Which is one reason I always feel fine walking out of there (at the end of my shift), I know they will be just fine without me.  One girl, now and then, says "Oh we should all just walk out and show them what's what".  No way.  Not only would they replace us quickly, then I have to find a new job and admit I just walked off my last one.  That's not going to happen.  

And I have had worse jobs, Target being one of them.  Probably the worst was the non profit where the director was constantly screaming at me and demanding I work late on nonsense projects that could have waited.  Maybe I should talk about that job at work to give them an idea.  

I have been wearing my compression socks every day, they work very well.  They do help me stay on my feet longer.  I am glad I ended up with three packages I think it was.  At any rate they do help, are a pain to don and take off but they help the overall "foot time" as Ron called it.  

My shoes are doing a good job as well.  Good support is really important.  If it came to it I would just buy a $20 bag of rice and eat off that to pay for the shoes.  It's that important.  I am glad I can be on my feet so much as I am middle aged and overweight.  

I haven't figured out what jeans I'm wearing today, maybe the magenta ones.  They have good pockets and I can use that.  And are darker so I feel comfortable wearing them at the end of my cycle.  

I talked to Jack last night about getting a ride home on Christmas eve.  He said probably not, he generally spends the night at his daughter's house as it is her birthday.  That sounds like a pretty definite no but I will call my cab guy today and see what he can do.  I'm not worried yet.  Worst case I could take the bus home, I think the "good" route will still be functional (a good connection between work bus and home bus) at that hour.  

I never know what God has in store for me that's for sure.  I ate some queso chips for a snack before I went to bed and woke up with a headache.  I need to remember no queso chips.  I took some Excedrin, and a Sudafed for my clogged ear, both worked very well.  But no more Queso chips.  I think I will have to go my aunt's route and just buy unflavored chips.  

I need to see if she is doing anything for Christmas.  She has asked about my schedule and I should know...tomorrow.  That's pretty quick.  I am guessing I will not see her the day of but maybe another day that week.  

Oh, I almost forgot.  I told Jack they were putting a gas station in the wooded lot near our homes.  He wasn't happy to hear that and apparently made some phone calls.  They told him the land belongs to the county and the county can develop it however they want.  So there's that.  

Personally I don't mind the concept.  That will be very nice for me getting off the bus in the summer, buy a nice cold drink for the walk home.  😊  I wouldn't say I live close, either.  He lives closer than I do but not on top of it.  But they are putting gas stations everywhere it is not exactly a surprise to me.  And I could always work there if Walmart doesn't work out.  No more 2 hours on the bus each way, that would be great.  I doubt they would pay as much, though.  

Anyway I need to take my shower, that's it for now.  Shower's done.  Now, that's it.  

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