Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Tuesday morning

 I have had some sick people around me lately at work, to be expected.  I worked retail at Target for some years back in the 90's.  Back when I had another name!  😂  So I was expecting it.  

I really feel adequate sleep is essential to proper immune functioning so I made sure to get a long night.  I feel pretty rested.  My baseline energy level (most of the time) is somewhat tired feeling from my depression and the medication I take for that.  But I feel good.  I took a nice shower with the tea tree soap so I feel extra clean.  I will take a shower when I get home from work on Friday night for sure.  Thursday night and Friday morning are a short turnaround for me.  But I don't want to think about work.  I will say I will make almost $200 combined those two days so not bad!  

Remember I was desperate enough to apply at a fried chicken place.   I remember that.  My Dad asked me if I thought Walmart needed a union and I said no, not from my perspective.  I get my breaks and lunches, I am generally treated with respect, hours are good, etc.  I feel like management will listen to me.  So that is good not inclined to look elsewhere.  

My aunt can't make it today so I will likely get a delivery tomorrow.  It is $20 each way to the store, and I can get a delivery for free from either Amazon or Walmart.  I don't want to do shopping at work right before Christmas (before I clock in like I normally do, or right after work like I did last week) so I will rely on a delivery for that.  Just have to figure out which delivery service.  

I went with Walmart, and, since I have put my employee discount number in their computer, I got my discount.  So that paid for the tip.  I even got more collagen.   The laundry is almost done which means I am really off now.  

I do need to do my God Time and prayer.  I will get to that.  

Oh I forgot to mention getting my delivery TODAY so impressed with that if it works.  I am actually closer to another store so I get my stuff from there, no one I know will be "picking" my order.  Not that I ordered it, but that would be nice if I were ordering sex products or tampons, stuff like that.  "Hey Heather how'd those condoms work out for you?"  😂

Did my God Time happy with that.  Had the "wings of Eagles" verse come up 2 times once read during my music playlist and while I was actually reading it in my Bible.  

but those who hope in the Lord
    will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
    they will run and not grow weary,
    they will walk and not be faint.

Isaiah 40:30-31 NKJV

That's it for now.  

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