Sunday, July 1, 2012

Coming soon: Bible Handout

I'm preparing to do another Bible Handout.

The Bible Handout posts get the whole gamut of responses; only topped by the "You should leave him"s from the last few years every time Ron had a blackout.

Some of the atheists get really angry at me sharing my faith.  Others don't want anything, but (correctly) figure I do have a first amendment right to hang out on the corner with the sign.  Some like the approach "Here is is if you're interested" and others would rather I stay home altogether.  One guy got apoplectic over the thought of me giving a Bible to a child, without parental permission.

I had one, clearly, unreached lady last year.  She bought me a soda and scoffed at the idea of a Bible.  Well, I took the drink!  And I didn't die, either.  I like to think most people are not as bad as we're led to think.

Yes, we all have a dark side - when things were very bad I used to fantasize about oiling the tiles right outside Ron's room.  I never did, of course.  Ron fell down enough on his own!

Anyway, Tuesday afternoon will find me on the corner, with the sign and about 100 Bibles or so.  I'll be "doing them up" today and tomorrow, refrigerate some drinks, and get ready to go get 'em.

I'll wear my shorts, sneakers, neon yellow "performance" t-shirt, reflective vest, and a hunter's orange baseball cap.  I practically blind myself, looking in the mirror.  Well, I aim to be conspicuous.

God is good; I've never had a problem with people during a handout.  I tend to have problems before, and after, but never, Praise God, during.

I'm the obstinate type.  If I did get a lot of grief, I'd probably be more aggressive.  As it is, I am diligent about prayer, before, during, and after the handout.

For once, I need recipients.  I need God to bring them to me.  I need Him to keep the bad guys away.  I need an empty corner (a lot of beggars in my part of Houston) - that's the one I worry on the most.  "Will the corner be empty?"  I get there and of course it is empty and I go - DOH!  If God wants me to do the Handout He can clear the corner.  But I always do it.

I need God to keep me healthy and safe.  He does.  Although, last year I did get awfully dizzy.  So, I got lots of hydration drinks.  I'll probably need to rent a port-a-potty for the corner.

I may or may not have an able-bodied assistant.  I'll find out at church today.  He said he was very interested in participating.

That would be a lot of fun.

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