Saturday, July 14, 2012

Insulting faith

Maybe I'm supposed to be mad.  I mean, I can't think of one movie, offhand, that deliberately mocks the precepts of islam.  Why is that?  Because the are very vocal and angry when they perceive anyone insulting the faith.

I can remember, as a little girl, watching a woman act like a "harlot" while wearing a big cross.  That was considered pretty awful at the time.  Then, as I watch TV and movies, the woman wearing the cross is generally not the NICE one.

The only exception I can see, "Lisbon" on "The Mentalist".  She wears a cross in every episode, and while her character bends the rules she is a basically ethical, moral, woman.

However, the usual show is a woman wearing a cross between her breasts, and half the breasts are showing.  She's wearing a tight-fitting top and a push up bra, just in case we didn't get the idea with the neckline.

I find that a little insulting, but my Bible says scoffers and mockers will come in the End Times, specifically mocking my faith.

2 Timothy 3

New King James Version (NKJV)

Perilous Times and Perilous Men

But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!

So, I have to say I've come to expect it.  Jillian, don't ever watch "The Pillars of the Earth", they show "The Church" in a horrible light - a brood of vipers, backstabbers, liars, and murderers.  I'm not even a Catholic and I found it horribly offensive.  The only "good" priest was very proud and a liar.  

[sigh]  Pretty much every time I turn on my TV, someone is mocking and insulting my faith.  Evangelists are portrayed as power-hungry, greedy, maniacs.  

[side thought]  I do need to ask Pastor about that.  Is it a sin to covet Bibles, to hand out?  I think it's a sin if I'm coveting a Bible for myself, but if I look at a Bible catalog and think "Ooooh!  I'd like THAT  on my next handout!" - is that wrong?  Or am I just eager?  I wonder about that.  

My other sins are far more obvious.  Mainly, worry, judging people, holding myself back from people because I automatically assume they won't like me,  self-pity, a little coveting - wanting an "easier" life, etc.  I like to think I have a pretty good view of myself.  

Only God is perfect, so I ask Him for help with my issues.  I want to be improving, constantly.   [end side thought]

It's almost embarrassing to be out there standing up for Jesus, because so many people just use Him as a way to get power, money, or recognition.  That's why I love Bible handouts.  Half the potential recipients treat me as though I'm infectious.  And not in a positive way.  It is impossible to be proud, on a handout.  

Afterwards, yeah, "Wow, we handed out X Bibles in one hour!"  - that's when the pride shows up.   I work on that.  Generally, the spiritual attacks show up along with the pride.  I had a nasty depression after the last one, financial worries, AND Ron had a horrible, days-long, neuropathy attack.  [shudder]  And we're already planning out next one!  

Tonight I watched a movie.  They "crucified" at least one man.  The meanest, most awful guy in the movie had a cross tattoo on his head and was the leader of "The Christian Brotherhood".  They talked a little Bible and added a whole lot of "psycho".  No one would want to join up.  It was really sad.  

Maybe I was supposed to get angry, "blasphemy" and all - it did give me a small glimpse how a muslim must feel when he sees things mocking his faith.  

I wasn't angry, though.  I was very, very, sad.  

I can see why so many Christians get rid of the TV altogether. 

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