Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The quality

My modem's acting up.  If I can, I'll upload the video.

Got there an hour late.  Traffic was horrendous.  I handed out about 3 dozen Bibles.

I think, because it's a more affluent area, they were more resistant to God.  Jesus himself says people can't serve God and Money.

However, I did hand out 3 dozen.  I'm happy.  If I get one Bible into the right hands, that's a good day.

Some of the more notable recipients:
1.  Carload of teens.  One was very interested, I gave him enough Bibles for the whole car.  They were really excited.

2.  Carload of women.  Kept debating which was the "right" version to take (I had two different english versions).  I finally just stuck a couple NKJV in the window and they took them.

3.  Guy; looked like his world had ended (I seem to get a fair percentage of them as recipients - on a different handout her husband had left her a few hours before).  He was definitely interested.

4.  I had a lot of people flag me down, wanted to give me money.  I told them no, of course.  One, I have donors.  Two, it's against the law to beg for money on the corner, and they could shut me down.

5.  An off-duty policeman took one - that's a big coup because they NEVER want a Bible.

6.  Mom, wanted a Spanish for herself, and 3 English for the kids.

7.  Grandpa, wanted one for grandson.

8.  Had a couple, interested. I was thrilled to give them each a Bible.

It's not about the quantity of the handouts, it's the quality.  Yeah, I "only" handed out about 40, but they went to good homes!


Pannus Police said...

Where is the video! :)

Heather Knits said...

I'll try to load it again.