Thursday, July 5, 2012

What do I want?

Just a quick post here.

Over the years, I've invested a lot of time and energy into the Bible Handouts.  I stand out on the street corner, in all kinds of weather, making an ass out of myself, hoping someone will accept a Bible.

I do this on a regular basis, hoping for - what?

I want a hug.

I hope all "my" recipients make it to heaven.  Failing that, I hope at least a few make it to heaven.

When we all get there, I want my pay!  What's that?

I want to get a hug, from every recipient, who made it to heaven due to a Bible Handout, our testimony, or one of Ron's tracts.

That's it.  No crown, no glory.  No approbation.  Just a hug.


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