Over 240 items total.
This morning was interesting, the paratransit ride came first, so we took it. We had stacked the boxes of Bibles into the wheelchair and I'd strapped them in with bungee cords.
I asked the driver to tie down the wheelchair, he said it would be fine. We went half a block and heard a crash. Bibles all over the floor.
I thought, as I looked at the mess, "I have a choice. How am I going to act and what will it say for my witness?"
I just said, "Oh, that's why I asked you to tie it down" and picked up all the Bibles. I then said "You're going to tie it down, NOW, aren't you?" He said yes.
Later on, when we unloaded, he accepted a Bible.
We got there a little before Craig. Due to the headache, I had a hard time prepping. I had Bibles, and 2 signs, instead of 3. Ron gave up his sign. I forgot my hat. I only had a couple bottles of water. My head was KILLING. It was hot, bright, and sunny. Traffic was pretty slow.
I said, OK, Lord. I know You allow this to keep me humble, and dependent on You. Help make a good handout out of all this chaos. The corner was empty, that was good.
Ron had his wheelchair, but complained he wanted a hat next time.
I loaded my bag and started walking. I had a lot of fun.
My first recipient, some good old boys in their pickup. The driver said "One Bible, please".
I looked at his buddy and said, "You don't want him to go to hell, do you? Let's get him one, too!" The guy shouted, "I don't want to go to hell, lady, thank you!" He meant it.
I also had a gangster type, big gold chain, "pimped" out car. Very loud rap music. He took one.
I had a van load of kids from an http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acres_Homes Acres Homes (very bad area) activity program. The driver almost cried when I gave her a Bible for each kid in the vehicle (they were all about 7 and up).
I had large Mexican families, everyone got a Bible. They were thrilled to get Spanish, and surprised. It has been my experience that the Spanish recipients are very eager for Him.
About this time Craig showed up. I tried to give him a Bible at first, I didn't recognize him.
He went over by the right turn lane and distributed to them; I worked the left turn lane. I'd go up and down from the traffic light, parallel to traffic. Ron listened to music.
My head was pretty bad, but I was able to work. Nodding was not fun.
Craig did a great job catching everyone going to and from the bus stop, in addition to all the right turn lane. He did a great job spotting people waving for Bibles, and running out to them.
One family got a couple Bibles, drove off, liked them so much they came back for more.
I gave SEVERAL to men, who also wanted a Bible for their wives. That almost made me cry.
I had some lovebirds, each wanted a Bible. Nothing more awesome than getting saved, and growing in Jesus together.
It was very fun to give Bibles to the whole family, reading-age kids in the backseat, and the adults in the front seat. I moved a lot of Bibles that way.
A tanker truck made a delivery to the gas station. The fumes were horrendous and really aggravated my head; but worth it. Why? Because the driver got in MY lane and I was able to give him a Bible!
I did get one guy, who was very upset I was handing out "Christian" Spanish New Testaments instead of "Catholic" ones. Said he only wanted a Catholic New Testament, in Spanish. To my knowledge, they are no different. The Catholic Bibles have extra books in their Old Testament. Anyway, he acted very annoyed, and I wish him well, finding a Catholic, Spanish, New Testament Bible Distributor doing free handouts.
It was fun to run out to those "considering" and offering them a Bible, while pointing vigorously at the FREE part of my sign. They took them.
Pretty soon we were OUT! I mean, everything.
I am so happy right now, and in such pain from my head. But totally worth it, as I have distributed virtually everything I have.
Let's pray for the recipients!
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