Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Wednesday morning

 So I think it's safe to say there are only 2 main airports in Houston.  A basic records search shows I live near Bush, but Dad booked me a flight out of Hobby.  

Good news it was a straight flight.  Bad news I had to get to Hobby in rush hour traffic on a weekday.  Ace was up for the job and impressed the heck out of me.  

So I got to the airport and went to the check in and the clerk is a former Postal Worker.  What are the odds of that, and she remembered me.  

I went to TSA and took off my shoes, took out the laptop, had 2 bags on the line.  And they pulled the shoulder bag.  A young man went over there looking grim and began searching it.  

I was thinking, all the pills were in the backpack.  Headache pills, mood stabilizers, antidepressants.  If I was going to check a bag it would be that, or the box that had my cell phone and my laptop.  Or maybe the shoes because I use 2 insoles in each shoe.  Nope.  

He opened my bag and I said "I'm stumped, what' the offensive item?"  and he said "Spices", went right for the spices I had bought for my brother who likes to cook.  He pulled out the jar of brisket rub.  

It was about a 4 to 6 ounce jar.  Commercially produced and sealed.  He held it up and said "You can keep it but I will have to open it up and test it".  I also had a smaller jar of Creole seasoning.  He said that was OK.  I thought my brother is not going to want an open jar of spice so I told him it was OK I would leave it, and he put it aside and gave me my bag.  

They had signs everywhere at Hobby.  "We are the best rated airport in the US".  The intercom at my gate was broken.  The water from the fountain was hot.  And the signage was terrible.  I walked for literally one mile before I found my gate.  

I liked Bush a lot better!  

We won't tell Dad that.  It was, after all, a free trip (for me).  

I was able to secure an aisle seat which made me happy.  It was a straight shot.  They came by and offered soda, then later water, then lastly coffee.  The same 8 disparate people kept getting up every 10 minutes or so to use the bathroom, they were not in a group.  One had  Jesus themed hoodie and the other hand one of those "Ride or Die Liberty or Death" type t shirts.  And a couple of different women, one was an Indian lady, a very large Latina, and a thin, older, white lady.  They even got up during bad turbulence.  

Maybe overactive bladder or even bowel disease, I don't know, but the 2x I used it it was clean  

We landed and Dad was waiting where he could wait.  I told him "Don't get arrested!" and he didn't.  We went to Burger King and I got a Double Cheeseburger.  The Burger Kings on my bus routes are all awful the kind that would use expired meat so I don't go  

It's a ride to their place but I made it.  We had dinner at home later and then I went to bed early.  

That's it for now!  

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