Saturday, September 21, 2024

Very early Saturday

 Well that was not fun.  They got a whole day's work out of me and then the gastric trouble came back about 8:25 PM.  I made it to the bathroom in time but the Latina lady was cussing me out in Spanish for some reason.  I got it in the bowl, and I flushed it.  I didn't make a mess.  I don't know why she was bitching.  It's not like I had any control over it.  

But I didn't have any more problems.  I did get some store brand Gatorade on my way out.  

For once, I did not wake up with a headache which I found very interesting.  Maybe a lot of it is hormonal.  

My boss was asking me about my travel plans and I think she realized she was not going to have me for almost 2 weeks now.  But "they all" approved it per another team lead.  

It will be nice to have tomorrow off I am hoping I can sleep in.  

I set up my ride to the airport with Ace.  He is 100% reliable and I know he'll get me there.  And it's a straight flight.  Getting home will be lively I go through Phoenix and I have less than an hour to transfer planes.  But getting there it's straight from Houston.  

I did not sleep well at all.  Hopefully I can get through.  

It is not really a secret my birthday's tomorrow.  I don't know if they have anything planned at work.  I'm not expecting anything.  

The cats are good, the AC is running already at 4 AM which bodes a hot day, I think.  

That's it for now!!  

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