Saturday, September 14, 2024

Oh, the pop tarts

 My headache kept escalating but I had to do the henna today.  So I began the application process.  I had a quick morph to a full blown migraine and happily had just enough time to run for my trusty bucket.  You haven't lived until you've had your hair saturated with henna, hair clips stuck in at random angles, wrapped in plastic, heaving iced tea and secondhand pop tarts into a bucket.  

I thought the hair clips were a great idea but they got stuck and I couldn't pull them out.  My head was raging and I'm about to lose my breakfast.  I thought I have "two choices here, I can yank the clips out and pull out a lot of hair, or leave the clip in and coax it out in the shower later".  I went with the second option which resulted in two clips left in my hair.  But they were aluminum so it didn't matter.  

NOT doing the clips again.  It works better just to section it off with my hands.  I am getting better at the process.  I think it's kind of like putting in rollers even though I never did that.  

So I laid down for the better part of the four hours.  I'd put my pillow in a trash bag, some towels on top.  

Which leads me to the other part of my day.  I am pretty set in some ways.  I am a whore when it comes to hair care products and soap, I'll use anything.  But certain routines - like my hair brush, my wash routine, are fixed.  

So when I use my washer I "always" have it set at heavy soil, heavy duty, Today I had a couple of graphic t shirts, turned inside out, and I thought I'm going to set it for medium soil and the normal cycle.  I didn't know a washer could scream, until today.  It kept screaming and banging horribly I was in tears.  My head's killing me, I just puked, and this.  

So I unplugged the washer and said "I will deal with this later, when I get the henna out and I can put on my glasses".  I got up and rinsed out the henna (always a long and very messy process), washed up, conditioned my hair with the Whole Blends Cocoa Butter conditioner (I like that after a henna treatment)).  My head still hurts but I don't want to sob or vomit anymore.  So that's a good state.  

And I set it back to the regular settings, and plugged it in.  It started right up and is only making the customary noises.  Thank God.  

I was lying in bed thinking I leave town soon and I doubt Sears can schedule a repair before then, and I can't take time off work for that before I go.  I would just have to wash things in my bucket.  Then pay $$ for a repair.  But it seems OK now praise God.  

I was also thinking it is 8 years old, and had a lot of work when Ron was alive.  I do about 6 loads a month now but I was doing laundry almost every day at the end.  It's been a  great washer I would get another one from Sears.  I got a Sears washer in 2001 it lasted until 2016 when I got another one.  I tend to go with "good" brands even though everyone tells me they change.  

GE is another good one: GE water heater we got in 2006.  GE fridge was here when I bought the house in 2004.  GE microwave is very old (we brought it so at least 20 years old if not older), GE stove works like a champ.  I am a big fan of both Kenmore and GE appliances as a result.  

I'm a very loyal person - if you earn it.  They have.  I am pretty happy with my Acer Chromebook too.  Motorola cell phone.  I had troubles with the Samsung phone I remember that.  

So the day had an absolutely hideous, vomiting, screaming appliance start but seems OK now.  

That's it for now.  

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