Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Tuesday night

 I was OK with the crab but I didn't go anywhere near that sink.  

I saw Buddy again.  I basically asked him why he came back to the route "As everyone else runs like hell the minute they get a chance" and he used third person pronouns "You might because..." and gave a couple "reasons".  He wasn't very convincing.  

I have no idea what to ascribe to that.  

I'm just relating.  I do find it remarkable, even when we don't talk, I feel better just being around him with him focused (mostly) on the road.  I don't know how he feels.  I do love it when he smiles at me he has, and I've said this, a lovely smile.  So I'm just enjoying spending time with him for now.  I have to, anyway, to get home.  

So that was a high point.  I didn't sleep well last night and today was just long.  But I made it.  

I am eating pupusas.  They are very good; I didn't use enough oil in the skillet on the first one but it's still good.  

All my other drivers, by the way, were new to me.  

That's it for now!  

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