Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Wednesday morning

 I was talking to Buddy yesterday and lamenting the lack of candy.  I told him, all they have is the spicy kind now.  He said he likes the spicy.  

I'm going to tease him.  I bought the extra spicy kind and when I give it to him I'm going to ask if he's man enough to eat it.  He'll get a good laugh out of that.  

I wouldn't do that with just anyone.  Beau ran like hell from the spicy candy.  He liked a little spice but not the ones in the red package.  Which, I believe, are appropriately marked!  

I also got some chicken thighs, I am thinking to make some chicken paprika.  I couldn't find the thin cut tray of pork chops but they had a tray of pork chop ends, some with bones.  That looks like it would be good for green chili stew, some of it.  They were only $1.50 a pound.  

I also decided I need to overcome my fear of eggs.  I got very, very, sick back in 2004 the day we bought the house (no less!) with Salmonella food poisoning I contracted at a popular "breakfast" restaurant chain.  I had scrambled eggs, Ron did not.  It was the only thing we ate different all week and I got sick, sick, sick.  It was terrible.  

I don't know how Ron kept us both alive.  I didn't want to go to the hospital even though I should have, because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to control my bowels in the ambulance and did not want to be "that" patient.  Even the weeklong migraine the last time I ate chocolate can't compare.  

We had to put off moving for 2 weeks.  Good thing we gave them last months's rent!  

Going back to Buddy for a sec the remarkable thing about him I feel safe with him, which considering, (the steady, horrific, diet of cheating, emotional, verbal, and physical abuse I endured for almost 3 decades), is remarkable.  

So after that I didn't want eggs anymore.  Not one bit.  

But I keep reading Choline (a nutrient) is very good for people with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, and the supplements are expensive.  I am more of a eat the real food person anyway, and eggs are high in choline.  And, yesterday at work, I was thinking it would be delicious to make some breakfast bowls with bacon, sausage, hash browns, eggs, and cheese.  I will probably try that Friday morning or this weekend.  

That's it for now!  

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