Sunday, September 8, 2024

A formal recipe if you want it

 Well I got the chili roasted and diced up, the potato (about half a medium sized one) and a couple handfuls of frozen chopped onions.  I got out the "older" tetra pak chicken broth.  I have browned the pork.  They are definitely leftovers from making pork chops some very odd shapes.  I figure the small amounts of bone will add some good flavor (I put a little apple cider vinegar in the chicken stock to help).  I have the spices out, a clove of garlic peeled and thrown in the crock pot.  

Once that's done I just need to clean out the rice pot.  I don't think I'm going to make the rice tonight.  The roasted green chili and the leftover broth can hang out in the fridge and the rice can cook while I'm in the shower tomorrow.  


12 ounces chicken stock + one splash apple cider vinegar if you are using pork chops with bones.  

1.5 pounds bone in pork chops (not a lot of bone maybe 10-25%)

1 t cumin 

.5 teaspoon each oregano and salt

1 roasted and diced poblano pepper 

Half medium russet potato, chopped, or enough to cover the bottom of the crock pot

One garlic clove, intact, peeled 

1/2 to 3/4 cup chopped onion (I use the frozen kind and a couple handfuls)

I used a small crock pot and a liner.  

I placed the onions and potatoes in the bottom along with the garlic clove, browned the pork chops with a little olive oil and black pepper, let them cool, added to the crock pot.  I put the pepper on top, added the seasoning, and poured the broth/vinegar mix over the top.  I will let it cook overnight on low.  

I will make the rice tomorrow.  I plan to use 1 cup white rice, 1/2 teaspoon cumin, 1/4 t oregano, probably a half teaspoon salt.  

When I give it away I will offer it with tortillas or rice (I will have the rice in a bag separate).  

Since I had a 3 pound tray of pork chop ends (would buy again especially at $1.49 a pound) I had extra pork chops which I am cooking in the skillet.  

And, cooking it, I realized I really want a nice pork gravy on these chops.  So tomorrow I'll get some cornstarch and bone up on making pan gravies.  That would be divine.  

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